Università degli Studi di Torino Research and International Relations Division TEMPUS Joint European Project PAMIR Irene Liverani Project kick-off meeting Dushanbe, 9 January 2007
Dushanbe, 9 January 2007 Università degli Studi di Torino International Relations Department PAMIR Project Plans Actions Measures International Relations Duration: 3 years (1/9/ /8/2009) Total budget: € Consortium members: University of Torino (coordinator) University of Perugia University of Malta Tajik State University of Commerce
Dushanbe, 9 January 2007 Università degli Studi di Torino International Relations Department Specific objectives of the project To develop the capacity for cooperation and network building in preparation for future participation in the Bologna process 1.Development of International Relations capacities 2.Improvement of capacity for fund raising and staff mobility 3.Development of capacities for future implementation of a system of credits and joint degree programmes Through 3 components
Dushanbe, 9 January 2007 Università degli Studi di Torino International Relations Department C1- Development of International Relations capacities Improvement of organisational and technical infrastructures Training of staff Exchange of good practices and knowledge sharing activities among partners Improving International Relations policies and strategies Link TGKU and possibly other Tajik Universities to other universities, thus creating increased opportunities for international cooperation and staff/student mobility Main Activities
Dushanbe, 9 January 2007 Università degli Studi di Torino International Relations Department C2 -Improvement of capacity for fund raising Develop knowledge about potential external funding sources Develop ability in preparing quality project proposals Improve skills in managing, monitoring and evaluating projects Organise a pilot training course in TGUK for a core group of academics, administrative staff and students in PCM, Project Design and Management Jointly develop the course training materials for translation, publication and dissemination in the country Adapt the course training materials to become part of one of the TGUK existing courses Main Activities
Dushanbe, 9 January 2007 Università degli Studi di Torino International Relations Department C3 - Introduction of a system of credits and joint degrees Create learning opportunities to see how EU Universities have adapted their administrative and legal regulations to implement credit systems and joint degrees Main Activities Build on experiences developed under the TACIS SCM 2004 “Facilitating recognition in higher education by harmonisation of education requirements” Work placement of 2 TGUK academics in Malta in order to: Develop a strategy for a Credit and Joint programme system Develop and implement a joint Degree Course between the partner Universities
Dushanbe, 9 January 2007 Università degli Studi di Torino International Relations Department DISSEMINATION Constant translation and publication of main project outcomes possibly in Tajik and in Russian Setting up of a project website Issuing of a project newsletter Regular dissemination events As this is the first JEP in TJ on the development of an international relations office we ask the consortium to make every possible effort to strenghten dissemination activities and to carry out training seminars for other Tajik Universities Recommendation from the Commission Important