St Albans Music School (SAMS) What’s going on and how to get involved.
Overview Provide after school music provision for the St Albans/Harpenden Area Own Premises,14 practice rooms, school hall. Orchestral, Band, Guitar, Vocal, Piano tuition Workforce of 60 teachers, 3 support staff. 17 groups operate weekly 760 pupils per week
Groups Wide Range: String, Brass, Wind, Orchestras, Jazz, Suzuki, Musical Theatre, Choirs, Rock School provision, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, Theory. Structured for natural progression. ie Beginner/Junior/Inter/Senior. Onto County Activities, HSSO/CYO Groups perform formally at least twice yearly. Outside concerts.Philo/Sinfonia/WWE Local churches, Harpenden Public Halls, Alban Arena. Linking with other HMS Centres. Brass/WSM. Philomusica/Mid Choir West Strings Extravaganza. Jazz at SAMS Performing with top professionals. Music for Youth. Jazz Sax Day. Links with National Youth Jazz Orchestra.
Outreach Music Making Days for local primary school children. Junior Wind Band. Beginner Strings. Junior Strings. Show Choir Day. Guitar Day. Recruitment drive. Provide those who don’t normally play in groups at school with a chance to play with other like minded individuals.
Performing Opportunities. Group concerts Termly Pupils’ concerts. Soloist Competition Achievers’ Concert. Instrumental teachers’ concerts.
Calendar of Events SPRING TERM JANUARY 7Term Begins 20Extra Philomusica RehearsalSAMS 26Philomusica ConcertSt Paul’s FEBRUARY 10Jazz Saxophone DayMid Herts 13Beginner String Day 1SAMS 24West Herts Music Theatre Rehearsals SAMS 16-24Half Term MARCH 3rdWest Herts Music Theatre Rehearsals SAMS 7Beginner String Day 2SAMS 8Soloist Competition First roundSAMS 11SASSMA ConcertAlban Arena 13Junior Brass/Brass Attack/Amersham Band Concert WSM 14Big Band & Big Band 2 ConcertSAMS 16West Herts Music Theatre (Little Shop of Horrors)Sandpit Theatre 17Music for Youth Regional FestivalSAMS 23Suzuki Informal ConcertSAMS 23End of Teaching 26Soloist Competition Final SAMS 26th & 27thAssociated Board Exams SAMS 28End of Term
Developments Music for Youth Regional Festival at SAMS Links with National Youth Jazz Orchestra. NYJO ambassadors/mentors. New charging structure for individual/multiple group membership. BOGOF?
Your Music Centre needs you! 95% group membership is through teacher referral. Constantly need your support. Group numbers down. Check see where your local area centre is for pupils and what they can offer. Reflect on the pupils you have. Who isn’t playing in groups? Give them the info/flyers. Direct pupils/parents to website. (address in practice books?) Pick up flyers next time you give in your PAY2 Lack lustre pupils who need inspiration and a kick! If you don’t have any pupils enrolled then why not? Be part of the scene.
INSPIRATION at SAMS Through teaching Membership of centre groups/County ensembles Platforms for the pupils to perform. Pupils’concerts. Opportunities to play further afield. In the local community, MFY. Ronnie Scotts Big Band in a Day. West Herts Strings Extravaganza. To play alongside top professionals Links with National Organisations (NYJO) Mentors. We are all here doing what we do due to some musical event(s) that inspired us. Whether it be a teacher, a music school/centre/county group, playing alongside top pros, listening to others play. Don’t let your pupils miss out on the whole package. The Music Service can deliver great things for your pupils.