VDOT LRFD Software Andy Zickler VDOT Structure and Bridge Division Central Office September 8, 2006
VDOT LRFD Software VDOT does not plan to require consultants to use particular software for LRFD bridge design –VDOT reviewed and evaluated many software packages while setting up the transition to LRFD. –VDOT has elected to purchase LRFD analysis and design software instead of developing software in- house. –The software was selected for internal use based on the ability to meet VDOT’s in-house design needs. In most cases VDOT found at least two software programs that would meet its needs for design. The final decision between two equal packages was based on lowest cost.
VDOT LRFD Software VDOT will continue to require consultants to provide a rating for all curved steel structures –Ratings for LRFD designs will be required using DESCUS (published by Best Software) VDOT will begin requiring ratings by consultants for other bridge types on all future contracts –VDOT expects that most other ratings will be completed using VIRTIS ®. –VIRTIS ® is published by AASHTO.
VDOT Selected LRFD Software The software programs purchased by VDOT for in-house use are: –Conspan by Leap Software – Prestressed Beams –Merlin DASH by Best Software – Steel Girders –ABLRFD by PennDOT -Abutments –Brass Pier LRFD by Wyoming DOT –Brass Culvert LRFD by Wyoming DOT –OPIS ® AASHTO Bridgeware
VDOT Selected LRFD Software In addition to the specialty programs VDOT will also be using: –STAAD by Research Engineers International –MathCAD by Mathsoft VDOT will continue to design elastomeric bearings using Lampad which was written by VDOT.
VDOT LRFD Software Question: Should I purchase and use the software that VDOT uses internally? Answer: VDOT is not requiring or endorsing the lease/purchase or recommending the lease/purchase of any particular design software. Curved girders must be rated using DESCUS. Within the next year, other structures must be rated using VIRTIS ®
VDOT LRFD Transition VDOT will publish example designs during its transition to LRFD. The examples are based on actual bridges constructed in the Commonwealth. All examples published by VDOT will be developed using the selected software and validated using hand computations.
VDOT Selected LRFD Software Questions?? Andy Zickler (804) VDOT Structure and Bridge Division Central Office September 8, 2006