E0’ setup at CERN, , lab 187-R-D06, via bat 70, tel Is there a sock over the umbilical - if so how connected to chassis. and how far does it extend. Yes – from backplate to preamp box – see slide 2 - Are the HV earths connected on the filter cards. Tony update please - If not where and how is earth connection made. Tony update please -Is there an earth connection from the filter cards to the housing. Tony update please - What is the resistance between the signal cable sheath and ground when all connected up. See slide 6. - How is the connection made between the plates in the whole assembly. See slide 3 – appears to be thru the brass tie rods - Circuit diagram for filter cards on E0' would be nice. Tony update please See slides for more E0’ setup info. E0’ frequently asked questions:
E0’ setup at CERN, , lab 187-R-D06, via bat 70, tel SC02 SC02 only, no SC01. SC02 with umbilical: filitex mini-cable with overall screen into a Dee type connector and straight into Stephenson Preamp box, no terminator card. Screen appears to be connected to backplate at SC end and to preamp housing at preamp end. Preamp box Local HV box Brass supports LV entry
E0’ setup at CERN, , lab 187-R-D06, via bat 70, tel HV coax screen to local HV box chassis Chassis bolted to thermal screen plate Preamp box LV input to Stephenson preamps Screen for LV cables to preamp box Brass tie rods connecting all planes
E0’ setup at CERN, , lab 187-R-D06, via bat 70, tel Nano- ammeter PAG4 59 RAL 344 HV P/S HV O/P 1 Mohm m of CERN HV cable to local HV box on E0’ HV supply at crate Dynode or Anode
E0’ setup at CERN, , lab 187-R-D06, via bat 70, tel Output 2Output 1Output 3 (not used) sense Gnd LV supply 0V (-6V retn)0V ‘housing’ Screen of LV cables -6V sense retn-6V -6V sense +6V sense rtn +6V +6V sense Into screen sheath, screen to ‘OV’ at P/S and to preamp chassis at other end ‘Gnd’ outputs on P/S not used
E0’ setup at CERN, , lab 187-R-D06, via bat 70, tel Stephenson preamps to ADCs Preamps 25 lemo cables to three 2249 ADCs Insulated screen/sheath around all 25 cables. Screen bolted to cooling plate at preamp box. Screen NOT connected at ADC end ohms from lemo grounds to screen/sheath, but occasional DVM flicker to 00.2 ohms O/P