IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency International Nuclear Information System (INIS) INIS/ETDE THESAURUS MAINTENANCE & USE OF COMPUTER-ASSISTED INDEXING (CAI) 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers Neviana Rashkova INIS Subject Specialist INIS Unit
IAEA INIS/ETDE THESAURUS - definition Thesaurus "A thesaurus is a terminological control device used in translating from the natural language of documents, indexers or users into a more constrained system language. It is a controlled and dynamic vocabulary of semantically and generically related terms which covers a specific domain of knowledge“ INIS/ETDE Thesaurus The INIS/ETDE Thesaurus contains the controlled terminology for indexing all information within the subject scopes of the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) and the Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE). The terminology is intended for use in subject descriptions for input or retrieval of information in these systems. 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna2
IAEA INIS/ETDE THESAURUS Descriptors descriptors with scope notes valid terms and forbidden terms Hidden terms Wordblocks with relations 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna3 ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS Systems that have the ability to learn, change their state, or otherwise react to stimuli or changes in their environment. UF self-learning systems *BT1 computerized control systems RT algorithms BUBBLE CHAMBERS *BT1 gas track detectors NT1 cryogenic bubble chambers NT1 heavy liquid bubble chambers NT1 ultrasonic bubble chambers RT digitizers
IAEA STRUCTURE OF THE INIS/ETDE THESAURUS Descriptors for indexing: valid and forbidden terms LOVIISA-1 REACTORvt Loviisa, Finland. UF imatran voima-1 reactor UF imatran voima power reactor UF loviisa reactorft *BT1 wwer type water coolantft USE WATERvt 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna4
IAEA STRUCTURE OF THE INIS/ETDE THESAURUS Hidden terms – for computer assisted indexing Br2 reactorht BR-2 REACTOR belgian reactor 2- forbidden USE br-2 reactor pressurized water nuclear reactorht pressurized water reactorht USE PWR type reactorsvt 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna5
IAEA STRUCTURE OF THE INIS/ETDE THESAURUS “ Wordblock” The descriptor is placed in its correct semantic context Interrelationships: preferential (used for, seen for…), hierarchical (BT, NT…) and affinitive (RT) BRASS *BT1 copper base alloys *BT1 zinc alloys NT1 brass-alpha NT1 brass-beta RT heusler alloys RT muntz metal RT ounce metal 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna6
IAEA STRUCTURE OF THE INIS/ETDE THESAURUS Scope notes – definition, history notes etc. For some descriptors where there could still exist a possibility of ambiguity SOLUTIONS For chemical solutions only. For mathematics see the word block of MATHEMATICAL SOLUTIONS. 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna7
IAEA THESAURUS ON THE WEB 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna8
IAEA INIS/ETDE THESAURUS – pdf version 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna9
IAEA INIS/ETDE THESAURUS 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna10
IAEA INIS/ETDE THESAURUS - translations Monolingual Pdf versions with full hierarchy of: Arabic, English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Chinese Multilingual dictionaries Bilingual pdf versions without hierarchy EN/LALA/EN Interactive Multilingual Thesaurus Html version with a leading language; translation and scope notes 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna11
IAEA INIS/ETDE THESAURUS - interactive 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna12
IAEA SUBJECT INDEXING WITH THESAURUS Identify concepts – translate into valid descriptors Use the most specific descriptor – always prefer NTs Do not assign BT if its NT is assigned Use the word block – BT – for correctness; NT – for specificity; RT – for completeness Avoid overindexing (best between 5 and 20) Propose a new term when necessary - according to the rules 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna13
IAEA SUBJECT INDEXING: TOOLS There are two main INIS products used for indexing: WinFibre and CAI WinFibre – for input preparation: bibliographic description, subject classification and indexing CAI (Computer Assisted Indexing) – for subject classification and indexing INIS/ETDE Thesaurus is incorporated in both products and regularly updated In WinFibre – monthly In CAI – less frequently; Thesaurus Supplement 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna14
IAEA COMPUTER ASSISTED INDEXING - CAI Automatic text analysis Analyses the title and abstract Uses the Thesaurus Uses hidden terms – continuously expanded set of words and expressions Batch mode Automatic run; review and deleting/adding descriptors On-line mode Interactive assignment of category and descriptors INIS/ETDE Subject category scheme included INIS/ETDE Thesaurus included 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna15
IAEA CAI on-line 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna16
IAEA ASSIGNING SUBJECT CATEGORIES 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna17
IAEA CAI on-line 36th Consultative Meeting of the INIS Liaison Officers4-5 October 2012, IAEA, Vienna18
IAEA Thank you!