Radiation Dose in a FerroFluid Seel ~an Update~ Tohru Takahasi AWLC2014
Contents A remark on dose estimation Previous results An update
A Remark At dose experiment in JAEA Dose is given as an absorption dose in the air which is not exactly the same as the one in the ferro fuild Difference is about 10 %
W Cu Fe Brass Fe Brass 5 Water Geometry in used at LCWS2013
Results W/ LCWS2013 geometry Energy Depotit(MeV)/2mm/10^5e- S(mm) Z(mm) z s
W/ LCWS2013 Geometry At Peak 280MGy/year The Average over the volume 120MGy/year An Experiment at JAEA Takasaki showed,,,, Ferro fluid won’t survive,,,,, showed some effects even with a few MGy,,,
W Cu Fe Brass Fe Brass 5 Water LCWS2013New Geometory W W Cu Fe W Cu Fe
Results Energy Depotit(MeV)/2mm/5×10^5e- S(mm) Z(mm) Z Peak 1.5MGy/year S (2630bunch 5Hz 2e10/bunch 1 year = 10^7s)
Summary and Outlook Radiation does in the ferro fluid about 1.5 MGy/year with To procced new(larger diameter?) geometry to reduce more? put real design incl. the Flux concentrator W W Cu Fe W Cu Fe
A model of slow rotating target (Rigaku) Area of Ferrofluid Target