Max Sluiter - Andrew Del Prete - Travis Nicholas Final Design Review for Cal Poly EE 470/471 Alternative Vehicle Fuels For A Sustainable Future Professor Art MacCarley 12 March 2013
Overview Convert a diesel engine to run on two fuels Standard diesel fuel Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) WVO vs. diesel Similar energy density Similar cetane rating Waste cooking oil avoids food vs. fuel issue of virgin VO VO is renewable, diesel is not NOT similar viscosity! (at common outdoor temperatures)
Gantt Chart Actual Planned
Specifications Heated WVO fuel In filter and lines Switch fuels Select which fuel with engine running 2 separate fuel tanks Multiple fuel supply and return lines Separate fuel filters 3-port valves Transparent Tygon lines Engine ISUZU 4FBI 4-cyl diesel non-turbo No fancy emissions/electronic equipment as modern diesels employ
Fuel System Schematic Diesel Tank WVO Tank Racor Fuel Filter Electric Fuel Pump Diesel Fuel Filter 3 Port Valve Engine Injection Pump 3 Port Valve Supply Coolant Return Coolant
Heated Fuel Lines heater hose hose barb brass tee comp. fitting AL fuel tubeWVO flow WVO flow hose barb heater hose hot engine coolant flow hot engine coolant flow
Two Fuel System Modify existing stand to hold two tanks Manual 3 port valves WVO Tank Install bulkhead fittings Manual shutoff valves
WVO Filtering Massive Parker/Racor R120S 2- micron filter and water separator Electrically powered heated filter wrap (not shown) Largest portion of budget (about half) spent on filter alone
Unexpected Problems Bad Engine Knock! Injection timing way off Rotate injection pump to retard timing Dyno overloading the engine Fuel leaks Drill out ID of compression fittings Water leaks at the dyno
Fixing the Problems Tightening all fuel fittings fixed the leaks New hoses for the dyno helps keep water spillage to a minimum Load does not go away unless dyno is run with little to no water in it Not good for dyno Ran engine on WVO on Sunday and dyno seemed better for a while Engine revved more on WVO When purging, dyno water level was not dropping with exit valve open all the way- ????
Results Engine ran on WVO for the first time on Sunday. Ran smoothly, revved, and produced same or more power than on diesel Smelled much better on WVO than diesel Inability to rev (due to dyno load) made it take a long time for the engine to warm up enough to switch to WVO (>140 F)
Tuning Fuel injection pump had been internally modified for double fueling (for DME) Tried to turn down the screw controlling fuel flow but this caused rough running Some combination of pump timing, full-load screw, and idle screw will be necessary to get the engine to run well without smoking But... rich means less NOx
Parts and Expenditures PartSupplierPart NumberQuantityPrice EachSubtotal Order Online 3/8 Uniseal - Pipe to Tank SealUS Plastics $1.42$ /16 x 20ft Aluminum fuel lineSummit RacingSUM-G25161$19.99 Heated Fuel Filter HousingGolden Fuel SystemsRacor 6120R21$ Fuel Filter ElementsGolden Fuel SystemsRacor R120S1$ /16 x 10ft Tygon TubingMcMaster-Carr5552K261$ /8 x 6ft Aluminum PipeMcMaster-Carr5038K121$ /8 NPT Female Diverting 3-Port Bronze Ball ValveMcMaster-Carr4373K522$25.27$ /16 Hose ID x 3/8 NPTF Male Brass Hose Barb (5 pack)McMaster-Carr5346K262$8.78$ /16 Tube OD x 3/8 NPTF Male Brass Compression FittingMcMaster-Carr50915K3192$3.91$7.82 Total$ Buy Locally 3/8 NPT Female Brass TeeFasenalNA2$7.47$ /8 brass hose barbMiner's ACE HardwareNA3$3.00$9.00 5/8 hose mender brassFarm SupplyNA1$2.99 5/8 x 6ft heater hoseO'ReillyNA4$6.49$ /8 plastic elbow 90 degO'ReillyNA4$3.99$ /8 T plastic fittingO'ReillyNA2$3.99$ pack hose clampsO'ReillyNA2$2.99$5.98 6ft X 5/16 rubber fuel lineO'ReillyNA2$7.74$ /16 hose barbMiner's ACE HardwareNA1$2.99 1/4 ball valveMiner's ACE HardwareNA2$9.99$19.98 Hex nipple 1/4 MPTMiner's ACE HardwareNA1$5.99 hex bushing 1/2x1/4Miner's ACE HardwareNA1$3.99 drain cooler hose barb 1/2Miner's ACE HardwareNA1$3.99 Adapter galvanized 1/2 barb x MPTMiner's ACE HardwareNA1$4.59 Reducer 1/2x3/8 brassMiner's ACE HardwareNA1$6.99 tubing cutterMiner's ACE HardwareNA1$8.99 fuel filterO'ReillyNA1$3.99 Prestone antifreeze/coolant 1 galO'ReillyNA1$12.00 teflon tapeMiner's ACE HardwareNA1$1.79 lag boltsMiner's ACE HardwareNA7$0.69$4.83 lag boltsMiner's ACE HardwareNA1$0.69 8FT 2X4 studLowesNA1$3.05 Total$ Grand Total$709.10