Music This is a topic on musical instruments.
Instruments String instruments Woodwind instruments Percussion instruments Brass instruments
String Instruments There are five main instruments in the string section of an orchestra. This usually makes up three quarters of the entire orchestra. 32 violins,12 violas, 10 cellos and 8 double-basses. There may also be 1 or 2 harps.
String Instruments These are all string instruments.
Woodwind Instruments Woodwind instruments in the orchestra along with brass number about 25. The woodwind instruments consist of flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons.
Woodwind Instruments These are all woodwind instruments.
Percussion Instruments Percussion instruments are split into two groups, tuned percussion and un-tuned percussion. They are the least numerous but the most noticeable in an orchestra.
Un-tuned Percussion Instruments These are all un-tuned percussion instruments.
Tuned Percussion Instruments These are all tuned percussion instruments.
Brass Instruments Brass are more used in modern music than in older music. The main brass instruments used in an orchestra are trumpets, horns, trombones, cornets and tubas.
Brass Instruments These are all brass instruments.