The Tabernacle 1. Its Concept and Construction 2. Its Court Hangings, Tent Door and Veil. Recapitulation/Introduction: SEVEN reasons for Studying the.


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Presentation transcript:

The Tabernacle 1. Its Concept and Construction 2. Its Court Hangings, Tent Door and Veil. Recapitulation/Introduction: SEVEN reasons for Studying the Tabernacle re: Christ, the Church and Christian Living. A. INTRODUCTION TO THE TABERNACLE or WHAT IS A TABERNACLE? B. CONSTRUCTION OF THE TABERNACLE or WHY? 1. God's Purpose in the Tabernacle. 2. God's Pattern in the Tabernacle. 3. God's Plan in the Tabernacle. C. COMPOSITION or WHAT make up the Tabernacle?

C. C OMPOSITION or WHAT make up the Tabernacle? 1. The Compartments in the Tabernacle. The Way Of the CROSS Table of Shewbread The Mercy V DG Seat and E The Golden O A Ark of the Altar of Brazen Brazen Covenant I Incense O Laver Altar T L R E Golden Lampstand HOLY OF HOLIESHOLY PLACE OUTER COURT

C. C OMPOSITION or WHAT make up the Tabernacle? 1. The Compartments in the Tabernacle. 2.The Composition of the Outer Court. See Chart 2 a.The Measurements: 100 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 5 cubits high. 27:18; 38:9-18 b.The Materials: 60 pillars in 60 brass (bronze) sockets. 27:9-15; 38: Hooks, fillets (bands) and chapiters (capitals) of silver and sockets of brass. 38:17 - Pillars secured by cords to brass pins.38:20 - Hangings of fine-twined linen.38:16

a. The Measurements: 100c. long, 50c. wide, 5c. high b. The Materials: 60 pillars in 60 bronze sockets

a. The Measurements: 100c. long, 50c. wide, 5c. high b. The Materials: 60 pillars in 60 bronze sockets c. The Main Entrance (the Gate) 27:16, 17; 38:18-20 Fine-twined linen embroidered with blue, purple and scarlet supported by 4 pillars in brass sockets. i. Function of the Outer Court Hangings. It Prohibits Outsiders. It Protects Insiders. It Proscribes a Division - inside and outside. It Provides an Entrance. Cp. Jn. 10:1 Cp. Jn. 10:3-5 Cp. Jn. 10:4, 5 Cp. Jn. 10:1, 2, 9

a.The Main Entrance (the Gate) 27:16, 17; 38:18-20 i. The Function of the Outer Court Hangings. ii. The "Proclamation" of the Outer Court. 27:9-15; 38:9-17  The White Linen.  The Silver Chapiters, etc.  Pillars of Shittim (26:37) (Acacia) wood  The Bronze Sockets, Pins, etc.  The Righteousness of Christ. Cf. Rev. 19:8  The Redemption of Christ. Cp. I Pet. 1:18, 19  The Race of Humanity taken on by Christ. Cp. Phil. 2:7, 8  The Retribution on Christ. Cp. Num.21:8,9; Jn. 3:14

i. The Function of the Outer Court Hangings. ii. The "Proclamation" of the Outer Court iii.The Provision of the Outer Gate.  It was the Only Gate.  It was an "Open" Gate.  It opened into the Outer Court.  It opened to Outside the Tabernacle  Wider than Door (20c ct. 10c)  Lower than Door (5c ct. 10c)  Equal in area with the Door (20 x 5 ct. 10 x 10c)  Cp. Jn. 14:6  Cp. Jn. 10:9 go in go out  Salvation (Jn. 3:16 cf. 6:37)  Service.  Saved to Serve.

 It was "One" Gate -- Christ's Attributes. Though "separated" by 4 pillars and using 4 colours, it is integrated into one complete whole: The 4 Pillars The Four Colours Christ's Four Glories.Ref. Matt.Purple Mk. 15:17, 18 The King of the Jews.Mt. 27:11 MarkLinen Rev. 19:8 The Servant (minister)Mk. 10:45 LukeScarlet of earth cf. Adam Gen. 2:15 (m.) The Man (last Adam) Ct. I Cor. 15:47a, 45 Jn. 19:5 JohnBlue of heavenThe Son of God. Cp. I Cor. 15:47b, 45 Jn. 10:30; 20:31  It was an "Oriental" Gate. The Gate faces the East. Ct. Gen 3:24

The East Gate So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. Gen. 3:24 And the cherubims lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight…and every one stood at the door of the east gate of the LORD'S house; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above. Eze. 10:19 And His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. Zech. 14:4

SUMMARY 1.All have Sinned against God, but God in Love has taken Steps to Save all that will come to Him. Outer Court Hangings, Gate of the Outer Court. 2. Only Christ can Save because God is in Christ; As God, He has the Power to Save; As Man, He is able to bear Man's Punishment for Sin on Man's behalf. 3. The Way Back to God is by Way of the Cross - there is no other way: The Tabernacle: its Plan of the Structure and Position of the Furniture.

a. The Measurements b. The Materials c. The Main Entrance. i. The Two Entrances Contrasted: The Gate of the Court (Exo. 27:16-18) [1] It opens to the Outer Court – Salvation (Altar) and Sanctification (Laver). [2] It has 4 colours (27:16) – Jesus as King, Servant, Man, God The Door of the Tent (Exo. 26:36, 37) It opens to the Tent – Service (Table, Lampstand, Altar of Incense) It has 4 colours (26:36) – four portraits of Christ.

c. The Main Entrance i. The Two Entrances Contrasted: The Gate of the Court (Exo. 27:16-18) [3] It has 4 pillars filleted with silver, silver hooks, brazen sockets – the four redeemed human authors of the Gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (27:16) [4] It measures 20 x 5c = 100c 2 => Width emphasized (27:13-15) The Door of the Tent (Exo. 26:36, 37) It has 5 pillars overlaid with gold in brazen sockets with hooks of gold – the four Gospel authors and their Acts of Service unto God. (26:36, 37 cf. Gal. 2:9) It measures 10 x 10 = 100c 2 => Height emphasized (Cf. 26:16)

i. The Two Entrances Contrasted ii. THE FINAL ENTRANCE – THE VEIL or Christ, His Flesh and Free access into God's Presence Exo.26:31-35; Cf. Heb.10:20 A.The Veil in the Tabernacle. 1.Its Function is to divide between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Exo. 26:33 cf. Heb. 9:6-9 2.It hangs on Four pillars overlaid with gold, standing on silver sockets. Exo. 26:32 cf. Rom. 4:22-25; IPet.1:18, 19 3.It is made of Fine-twined linen with cherubim woven into blue, purple, scarlet materials. Exo.26:31 cf. Heb. 2:9

ii.The Veil in the Tabernacle. iii. The Veil in the Temple. Matt. 27:50, 51 1) The Veil that was Torn. a) Its Position. Cf. Exo. 26:33 b) Its Function.Cf. Heb. 9:6-8 c) Its Construction. "a handbreadth thick, woven of 72 twisted plaits, each plait consisting of 24 threads." - Rabbis. 2) The Veil, How it was Torn. a) Approach made open. "...torn in two...” Mt. 27:51; Mk. 15:38 b) An Act of God. "from the top to the bottom" Mt. 27:51 c) Access to God. "torn in the midst.Lk. 23:45

iii. The Veil in the Temple. 1) The Veil that was Torn. 2) The Veil, How it was Torn 3) The Veil, Why it was Torn -- a) To grant Free access into God's presence. Heb. 10:19, 20 b) To Break down the Barrier between Jews and Gentiles, Forming a New Body, the Church. Eph. 2:14-18

Island Glades Gospel Centre TABERNACLE STUDIES The Sovereignty of Christ and the Salvation He Offers. 1. The Concept and Construction of the Tabernacle. 2. The Court Hangings, the Outer Gate, the Door of the Tent and the Veil – The Way of Access into God’s Presence. Visit: for a review of the message.