The History of computer and the internet! By jada
The first computer The first computer was invented in “1936 by Konrad Zuse! He named it Z1 computer It was the first programmable Computer!
The Internet Before the wide spread of internetworking That led to the internet, most communication networks were limted. It was invented by J.C.R. Licklieder. In 1962
Babbage’s Analytical Engine! Charles Babbage's description, in 1837, of the Analytical Engine, a mechanical digital computer which, viewed with the benefit of a century and a half's hindsight, anticipated virtually every aspect of present-day computers. His vision of a massive brass, steam- powered, general-purpose, mechanical computer inspired some of the great minds of the nineteenth century but failed to persuade any backer to provide the funds to actually construct it.
Tabulating Machine The first commercial data processing machines were punched card tabulating systems. It was a counting machine it kept a running count of everything.
ENIAC On May 31, 1943, the military commission on the new computer began. It was a calculator machine it could perform 5,000 additions, 357 multiplications or 38 divisions.
A Program A program is a set of instructions that are grouped together to accomplish a task or tasks. The instructions, called machine code or assembly code consist of things like reading and writing memory, arithmetic operations, and comparisons. While these instructions sound simple, it is actually possible to solve a huge group problems with them. The difficulty in doing so is that you must specify in exact detail precisely how. Good programming is both an art and a science, and what you will learn today is a beginning of the craft.
Transistor Transistors, I was once told, "were the fastest acting fuse known to mankind". This of course was a reference to the fact an early transistor was intolerant of fault conditions whereas in years gone by, vacuum tubes (valves) would cop a lot of abuse. Just remember that fact. [one of "murphy's laws" - The component exists to protect the fuse]Generally transistors fall into the category of bipolar transistor, either the more common NPN bipolar transistors or the less common PNP transistor types. There is a further type known as a FET transistor which is an inherently high input impedance transistor with behaviour somewhat comparable to valves. Modern field effect transistors or FET's including JFETS and MOSFETS now have some very rugged transistor devices. I am often asked about the term "bipolar" - see late
Microcomputer Intel’s first microcomputer add appeared in November 1971: “Announcing a new era in integrated electronics.”Intel delivered two different microcomputers five months apart: the MCS-4, emphasizing low cost, in November 1971, and the MCS-8, for versatility in April “The MCS-4 and MCS-8 CPU chip sell in quantity for less than $100 each, and are powerful alternatives to random logic” [1]. These two Micro Computer Systems (MCS) were aimed at two very different markets. One would eventually lead to the under $1 controller, the other would be the engine for a versatile personal computer (PC). By analogy it was like creating the “motorbike” and the “station wagon” at the same time. The advertised prophecy of “a new era” became fulfilled over the subsequent 20 year period
Binary system
Sources ng_machines.htm ng_machines.htm ns/a/Eniac.htm ns/a/Eniac.htm