6.1 Numbers 101 and higher 101 ciento uno 200 doscientos/as 300 trescientos/as 400 cuatrocientos/as 500 quinientos/as 600 seiscientos/as 700 setecientos/as 800 ochocientos/as 900 novecientos/as mil mil cien dos mil cinco mil cien mil doscientos mil quinientos cincuenta mil un millón (de) ocho millones (de) Note that Spanish uses a period to indicate thousands and millions, rather than a comma as used in English.
6.1 Numbers 101 and higher The numbers 200 through 999 agree in gender with the nouns they modify. 324 bolsas trescientas veinticuatro bolsas 605 sombrerosseiscientos cinco sombreros The word mil, which can mean a thousand and one thousand, is not usually used in the plural form when referring to numbers. Un millón (a million or one million), has the plural form millones in which the accent is dropped zapatos mil zapatos faldas veinticinco mil faldas de clientesdos millones de clientes
6.1 Numbers 101 and higher To express a more complex number, string together its component parts cincuenta y cinco mil + cuatrocientos + veintidós cincuenta y cinco mil cuatrocientos veintidós
6.1 Numbers 101 and higher ¡ATENCIÓN! When millón or millones is used before a noun, the word de is placed between the two: de hombres = un millón de hombres de aviones = doce millones de aviones You may want to review the difference between cien and ciento: = cien mil = dos mil ciento uno
6.1 Numbers 101 and higher ¡INTÉNTALO! Give the Spanish equivalent of each number _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____