Dr Shamila Nair-Bedouelle Chef of Section, AU/CPA Implementation Division for Science Policies and Sustainable Development, Natural Sciences Sector,


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Presentation transcript:

Dr Shamila Nair-Bedouelle Chef of Section, AU/CPA Implementation Division for Science Policies and Sustainable Development, Natural Sciences Sector, Report of the UN S&T Cluster 10 th UN RCM Addis Ababa, November, 2009

Introduction- S&T and Africa’s Development The Cluster System of the RCM –Cluster business plan (joint inter agency activities) –Modalities of work –Terms of reference (TOR) Achievements, Results and Impacts Challenges and Constraints Lessons Learned and the Way Forward OUTLINE

Consolidated Plan of Action AU Summit, Jan 2007 The Plan is built on three interrelated conceptual pillars: capacity building knowledge production, and technological innovation Addis Declaration on S&T and Scientific Research for Development, called upon UNESCO to assist in implementation of the CPA

Members of the S&T Cluster include UNESCO, UNECA, WIPO, UNIDO, UNCTAD, FAO, UNEP, ILO, WHO, UNDP, UNU-MERIT, IAEA Science and Technology play a vital role for addressing Africa’s most pressing needs (MDG’s, Food Security, Energy, Industries, etc.) Increased efforts by African Communities (AU, Ministers and Scientists) to harness S&T for Development –2009 AU Summit endorsed the African Science, Technology and Innovation Observatory S&T and Africa’s Development

4th Cluster, 4 Sept 2009, Geneva Participation of AU/NEPAD and Chair of AMCOST All Agencies participation in ACST: Abuja 2008 Bujumbura 2009 UNESCO participation in AMCOST Steering Committee/Bureau Abuja 2008 Bujumbura 2009 Accountability-Structural Systemic Issues

Secretariat: Coordinator, UNESCO, Paris Cluster web AU/NEPAD and RECs invited to regional meetings of Cluster members Need framework for overall monitoring/evaluation of on-going S&T capacity-building activities Coordination/Collaboration

Achievements, Results and Impacts Promoting innovation Science, technology and innovation policy Other activities in support of the AU/CPA

CPA Science Policy Programmes requests Creating institutional & policy arrangements to mobilize and share their resources to conduct science and generate technological innovations Building a critical mass of science policy advisors to African governments and the policy sector Build and disseminate information and experiences on science, technology and innovation policies

Promoting Innovation UNIDO establishing university chairs of innovation in African universities, and implementing the « Africa Technology and Innovation Initiative » (CAMI) UNECA launched the African Science, Technology and Innovation Endowment Funds and the Development of the African Innovation Framework (African Ministers of Finance) Strengthening links between science and business:  UNESCO’s University-Industry-Science Partnership  The African Science to Business Challenge, UNECA  Technology Parks and Incubators in Africa”, UNIDO, UNESCO  UNU-MERIT GLOBELICS program: building competence in innovation, how to measure “innovation” WIPO-Technical advice for national IP audits; IP and technology management; IP patent drafting; IP and knowledge transfer

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy UNEP support to African Ministerial Council on the Environment, African Environmental Outlook for Policymakers To date 20 African countries have made requests to UNESCO for assistance with the review / reformulation of their STI policy via governments and Heads of State  UNESCO implemented in collaboration with AUC and AU/NEPAD and planned joint activities with UNIDO,WIPO, UNECA and UNU-MERIT

Challenges and Constraints Role of ACST versus UN Cluster and the AUC/HRST Role of AMCOST, ADB and MS in awareness raising Coordination of diversity of actors in S&T development in Africa Need for synergies, collaboration and communication between CPA implementers and facilitators Harmonization in implementation of evidence based policy making Harmonization of data collection and analyses- R&D indicator surveys led by AU/NEPAD

Challenges and Constraints Identification of joint “inter-agency” activities - mandates - programming cycle - funding - reporting Mainstreaming joint activities in Science, Technology and Innovation into ONE UN and UNDAF priorities

–Participation in activities related to supporting the AUC and the implementation of CPA (UNESCO, WIPO, UNIDO and UNECA) –All Agencies to assist UNECA for follow-up to “Science with Africa” –UNESCO and other Agencies - policy reviews –Collaboration - UNIDO and UNESCO, for Issues of S&T and Industrialization (Techno parks, incubators etc.) Joint Activities

African Innovation Endowment Fund, follow up to SwA, 2008, UNECA Harmonization of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy reviews, « holistic » reviews (IP, innovation), UNESCO « Evaluation of the CPA- 5 years on »- proposed by current AMCOST-Chair, UNECA, UNESCO, WIPO, UNIDO »STI and its contribution to the MDG’s » UNESCO/UNECA/AMCOST/AUC  « unlocking the potential of science, technology and innovation to achieve the MDGs in Rwanda » Way forward Identification of joint “inter-agency” initiatives