Classifications and metadata/rp Finnish AML of 1997 (Standard Classification of Occupations) Is based on ISCO-88(COM) since 1997 Until 1997 based on Nordic standard Implementation of skill level became a political issue and caused difficulties Labour market organisations involved in the process how structures salaries and wages will be mirrored in AML Tendencies to equality between men and women highly educated, women dominated professional fields were desired to be upgraded in the classification
Classifications and metadata/rp Skill level in AML 1997 Skill level was measured utmost carefully by Finnish schooling system Outcome: Number of Professionals was close to that of Technicians and associate professionals; Socio-economic structure of households changed (e.g. Household budget survey) The main problem was international comparisons of wage structures E.g. share of senior officials and manager varies a lot National practices differ, too E.g. classifying policemen differs from Swedish classification AML 1997 was to be readjusted.
Classifications and metadata/rp Finnish AML of 2001 Classes of AML 1997 were split further Part of split classes were downgraded to lower levels of hierarchy PROBLEMS Gaps of professional fields What ISCO intends to measure: qualifications or distribution of work in community? Educational level in Finland is very high Responsibility is not a clear classification criterion
Classifications and metadata/rp Responses to questions Managers and like Further split in Finnish AML but to make distinction between senior and junior officials is impossible Variety of managers: how to classify under 12 and 247 Supervisors Information is needed for statistics of wage structures but there is no data However, should not be lumped together Nursing A breakdown for medical doctors in environmental tasks, etc., could be under 247 (AML does not recognize them) Technicians -