MnSCU Audit Committee June 15, 2004
Preliminary Report: Higher Education Services to Traditionally Underrepresented Student Populations John Asmussen Dolores Fridge June 15, 2004
Study Objective To study and report on Minnesota State Colleges & Universities higher education services provided to traditionally underrepresented student populations and the availability of reliable data for measuring results.
Background Study requested by the Chancellor in January 2004 To expand on ad-hoc information presented in quarterly reports to the board Co-sponsors: Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity and Office of Internal Auditing
Methodology Structured interviews with representatives from each college and university Analyzed Recruitment & Retention Plans compiled in FY 03 and implemented in FY 04 Inventoried additional R&R activities Analyzed data completeness and usage
Definition of Traditionally Underrepresented System Definition –Racial/Ethnic Minority, –Low Income, or –First Generation College Student Institutions expand on the definition to suit their mission or service area
Preliminary Results Extensive R&R Activity Occurring –1,896 activities inventoried Significant Population to Serve –Minimum of 35% of degree seeking students are from underrepresented populations Limited Resources Available Unable to Measure Results due to Incomplete Data
Incomplete Data 23 of 37 institutions/campuses reviewed do not know race/ethnicity for over 10% of their students Student Intent not recorded Parental Education Level not recorded
Learner Segments
Need to Assess R&R Activities Design an assessment approach 1,896 Activities Inventoried –389 Environmental –738 Recruitment –537 Retention –232 Departing Students Provide early feedback to institutions on plans
Measure Results and Target Resources Strategically Develop Term-by-Term Enrollment Activity Reports For example, in Fall 2003 –49,355 of 177,129 students were new –30,665 of 177,129 students did not return for Spring 2004 term Federal Support Services Example –In Fall 2003, 4,292 students served at a cost of $5.8 million
Survey Non-returning Students In Fall 2003, over 30,000 students left our institutions without degrees or transferring to other system institutions Based on student intent, determine reasons for departure Use results for continuous improvement
Fix Technical Problems Customized Undergraduate Admissions Application Require Assessment Testing and link to Developmental Courses Inconsistent Data Definitions Access to High Demand Programs
Consider Public Policy Issues Significantly more racial/ethnic minorities rely on federal Pell grants. In Fall 2003, based on known Racial/Ethnic Minorities, % of students on Pell were: InstitutionsMinoritiesOthers Colleges59%27% Universities51%25%
Metropolitan Area Colleges Trends: Fall 01 to Fall 03 Enrollment Increase+13% Average Tuition & Fee Increase+23% Students on Financial Aid+33% Financial Aid Per Recipient+18% Student Loans Per Recipient+37% Federal Grants Per Recipient+3% State Grants Per Recipient-21%
Next Steps Finish Review with Cabinet Review with Leadership Council in July Final Report to Board of Trustees in July
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