Creating Open Wide Area Workflow and eFolder standards June 2006 David RR Webber Joint Initiative Project Planning.


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Presentation transcript:

Creating Open Wide Area Workflow and eFolder standards June 2006 David RR Webber Joint Initiative Project Planning

2 Envisioning Statement World is facing new challenges that require rapid response capabilities at new levels and scale – environmental, health, food distribution, citizen services, military support logistics Existing systems have challenge of supporting end-to-end tracking and collaborative workflow Who is taking leadership role in this arena?

3 Envisioning Key Factors Interoperability – need end-to-end support, not fragments along pathways Rapidly adaptable / deployable components for business users process support Based on trusted proven open standards approach Auditability and accountability Process Metrics Support for “dashboard” visibility tools, not just local view

4 Opportunity Assessment Existing events and response needs bring together national and international focus Existing initiatives need better coordination and resources Leverage open standards community work Build from existing best-practice work on processes and information exchanges –  Lessons learned over past 15 years of workflow and business process need to be leveraged (eFolders + pre-cut process library)  Use of XML is entering a third phase  Increasing importance of open standards and open source to collaborative environments

5 Transport XML Security MoU/ Agreement XML Context XML Context XML Vocabulary Alignment eFolder Collaboration XML State Management Core Technology - 12 Alignment Needs Workflow Process XML Transaction Structure XML (XSD) Access Point API Content Process Rules PROCESS (how) INFORMATION (what)

How does this fit to Navy needs? Potential areas of interest What is driving the need? If not now, when?

7 Collaboration Roles and Steps ? How does this get done? What are the overarching standards that allow collaboration between the disparate parts of the process not just point operations?

8 WAWF Use Cases? From:

9 Navy Merge (ERP project) - Use Cases?

10 Navy / CNIC - RAPID Use Cases? CHRIMP workflow:

11 Goals Understand and enable core use case needs Develop open public standards foundation Provide clear direction for vendors and implementers Create Community-of-Practice foundation Provide focused deliverables over next 6 to 12 months Develop formal specifications as OASIS and then ISO standards Create real re-usable templates and examples

12 What Does This Take? Tasks / Level of Effort (LOE) estimates:  Manage and support OASIS TC process – 1FTE for 4 months ( 10 hours a week for one year)  Phase 1 – Use case definition / scope / positioning Elapsed time - 3 months  Phase 2 – Specification Development – 2FTE for 4 months Elapsed time 6 months  Phase 2 – Operational Pilots – TBD – each ~ 3FTE for 6 months. Elapsed time 6 months (concurrently) Deliverables  Use cases  Specifications  Working re-usable templates and components

13 Some Candidate Deliverable Examples RAPID –  STARS-FL XML connector and workflow support Packaging of standard interfacing (OASIS CAM) APIs - specify documentation Operational toolset Mapping to the UBL financial transactions standards TBD ???

14 Community of Interest US Navy WAWF team US Navy DON CIO team OASIS BCM TC and EPR working group OASIS BPM work on ebBP/BPSS and BPEL Norway TOSS project team Norway NIA involvement + Baltic area Bravera – RAPID project tool vendor DoD DFAS accounting services IHE/XDS NIST work on secure document exchanges ISO and CEN/ISSS

Approach Next Steps

16 Action Items Refine vision statement Form action committee and support from Navy DON CIO Establish DFAS commitment / support Coordinate with OASIS and Norway Coordinate initial meetings and public call through OASIS BCM TC infrastructure Create Community of Interest site area (GSA resources?) Create bi-weekly teleconference coordination Define doable scope and XML needed and avoid “ocean boiling”

17 Resources conferance-N/6/