Introducing CPA PrimePlus Services
CPA PrimePlus Services is a unique, customized package of services designed to help you maintain your lifestyle and financial independence. For you … For someone you love …
PrimePlus Brand Overview Brand positioning: –PrimePlus Services is a unique, customized package of lifestyle management services provided by CPAs to clients starting at pre-retirement age. It’s a holistic, integrated service designed to help clients manage their own and their parents’ lifestyle.
Benefits for Clients Easier for clients to make the connection between traditional services and a new, more global approach to older clients needs Better market acceptance of CPAs offering service – non-threatening approach Longer term planning service very attractive especially in light of recent stock market collapse
Changing needs as we mature: Income Expenses Investments Health Care Housing We do more so you can do it all.
- Helping you make the right choices - Living your life the way you like it - Making important decisions: What it’s all about... Where will you live? How will you live? Will you be able to have the lifestyle you want?
What we can do for you … [ ] Analyzing and monitoring income and expenses [ ] Estate planning [ ] Retirement issues [ ] Structuring and funding trusts [ ] Long-term care [ ] Lifestyle considerations [ ] Evaluating key service providers
Internet Resources Government Sites – – – – Private Sites – –
Introducing CPA PrimePlus Services