Uniform CPA Exam Presented by Barbara R. Porter, Executive Director Idaho State Board of Accountancy Spring 2011
Objectives of Presentation Overview of Education & Licensing Requirements Application Process Cost Exam Timeline – Timing Your Application Policies and Procedures at Test Centers Score Release Information and Tutorials
Overview: Education Requirements Idaho allows candidates to sit before they have completed the 150 Hour Requirement. To qualify for the Examination, a candidate must have at least a Bachelors Degree, with 30 Semester Hours of Business, of which at least 20 Semester Hours must be in Accounting. Education must be completed at the time a candidate applies for the CPA Exam.
To qualify for Licensure, an applicant must have at least 150 Semester Hours and meet one of these options: –Masters in Accounting –Masters in Business w/ 24 undergrad Semester Hours in Accounting or 15 graduate level Hours, w/ coverage of financial accounting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting –Bachelors degree in business w/ 24 undergrad or grad Semester Hours in Accounting w/ coverage of financial accounting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting and 24 undergrad or grad Semester Hours in Business –Bachelors or higher degree w/ 24 upper division or grad Semester Hours in Accounting w/ coverage of financial accounting, auditing, taxation, and management accounting and 24 undergrad or grad Semester Hours in business courses Accounting Experience: 2,000 hours in 12 or more months AICPA Ethics Course/Exam with score of 90 or more Idaho State-Specific Ethics Online course during 1 st year Overview: Licensing Requirements
Application Process Three Step Interface 1.Application, transcripts, and processing fee to the Idaho State Board of Accountancy: We issue an ATT. 2.Payment of testing fees to NASBA: NASBA sends you a payment coupon (fax, , or regular mail.) After your payment, they issue you an NTS. 3.Contact Prometric Test Center: You contact Prometric via internet or phone. Prometric books exam site, date and time.
DEFINITIONS ATT is an Authorization To Test –State Board verifies the candidate meets Age, Residency, Education, and Good Moral Character requirements to sit for CPA Exam. – An ATT is sent to NASBA’s Gateway. NTS is a Notice To Schedule –NASBA Gateway sends candidate a payment coupon. Candidate pays NASBA the testing fees. NASBA issues candidate an NTS. NTS is good for six months from the date it’s issued.
FEES Application Processing Fee Paid to ISBA –Initial or Transfer Candidate, $100 regardless of the number of sections you are applying to sit for. –Re-Exam application, $50 regardless of the number sections your are applying to sit for. Testing Fee Paid to NASBA –Auditing & Attestation $ Hours –Financial Accounting $ Hours –Regulation $ Hours –Business Environment & Concepts $ Hours Application Form (Handouts)
Exam Specifics Testing Window: 2 months to test, followed by 1 month ‘black out’ to recharge the exam question databank. –January & February Testing. No testing in March. –April & May Testing. No testing in June. –July & August Testing. No testing in September. –October & November Testing. No testing in December. Candidate may apply for 1, 2, 3, or 4 sections at a time. Must take those sections w/in 6 months from date of NTS. All four sections have multiple choice and task-based simulations. Written communication skills are tested in BEC. Candidate may NOT take the same section more than once in any testing window. ATT expires in 90 days if NASBA is not paid for the NTS. Must pass all 4 sections w/in 18 mo of passing 1st section.
CPA Exam Test Centers Prometric Test Centers –Idaho has 2 centers: 1 in Meridian on Central Drive, co-located with ISU near the freeway, and 1 in Pocatello at ISU –Candidates may sit in any Prometric Center that is authorized to deliver the CPA Exam Scheduling is easily done via Internet –Location, Day and Time Preference of the Candidate is guaranteed if you contact Prometric 45 days before you want to sit. You may call as little as 6 days before you want to sit, but the day, location and time may not meet your preference.
Exam Timeline – Timing Your Application
Policies and Procedures Check in Policy A candidate who arrives more than 30 minutes late will be considered a “no show” and not permitted to test. A candidate must present two forms of ID and the NTS to be admitted. –Primary (Government Issued) Identification must be current, and have a photograph and signature. Name must match the NTS!!!! –Secondary ID must have a signature and be an acceptable form. A digital fingerprint image is taken initially. It is used for access to the exam, and for taking breaks. Candidate must enter Exam Password to launch.
Policies and Procedures Testing Modification - ADA Candidate must request modifications when applying. State will approve and include modifications in the ATT. The candidates NTS will include approved modifications. Candidate must apply to Prometric’s Special Accommodations Unit (SAU). Assistive personnel will be provided to ADA candidates as needed. Prometric staff may approve minor accommodations.
Policies and Procedures Scratch Paper and Writing Instruments Scratch paper will be provided to candidates. All paper distributed must be collected and accounted for, then destroyed. Pencils will be provided to candidates.
Policies and Procedures Scheduled and Unscheduled Breaks Candidates will be allowed optional scheduled breaks after each testlet or simulation is closed. If candidate needs to take an unscheduled break, the test center staff will advise the candidate to close the testlet. If a candidate takes unscheduled breaks, the candidate will not be readmitted to the testing room. If a candidate is given special accommodations allowing extra breaks, the candidate must be accompanied by assistive personnel.
Scores and Score Release 75 is considered a passing score Scores are released from Exam Grader (AICPA) to Gateway (NASBA) and from there to State Boards State Boards review, approve, and release scores to candidates What does that mean timing-wise? –Test in January or February, all scores by end of March. First wave in Feb. –Test in April or May, all scores released by end of June. First wave in May. –Test in July or August, all scores by end of September. First wave in August. –Test in October or November, all scores by end of December. First wave in Nov. All scores for all sections are NOT released at the same time!
Information and Tutorials Sample tests and exam tutorial available CPA CANDIDATE BULLETIN available to download CPA CANDIDATE BULLETIN
Questions Barbara Porter or Sandy Bly