What is a Programme of Activities? Definition: A programme of activities (PoA) is a voluntary coordinated action by a private or public entity which coordinates and implements any policy/measure or stated goal (i.e. incentive schemes and voluntary programmes), which leads to anthropogenic GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks that are additional to any that would occur in the absence of the PoA, via an unlimited number of CDM programme activities (CPAs). A Program of Activities (PoA) provides the organizational and methodological framework for component project activities (CPAs) with the same stated goal to operate within a single registered CDM program activity.
PoAs operate at two levels: - The program level and the CPA level. The program level provides the organizational structure governing the eligibility, operation, monitoring and crediting of individual CPAs included within the PoA. - The CPA level consists of individual CPAs which are the specific measures through which emissions reductions are generated. Multiple CPAs can be included under a PoA at the time of registration and additional CPAs can be added at any point in the life of the PoA.
Requirements for a Programme of Activities In general, project activities under a PoA must demonstrate real, additional and measurable emission reductions or removals attributable to the PoA Requirements of the policy, measure or stated goal - that action taken to achieve it must result in GHG emission reductions or net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks which are additional to any that would occur in the absence of the PoA Mandatory policies and measures - The requirement that a PoA be a "voluntary action by the coordinating/managing entity" means that in general it is not possible to register a PoA where a mandatory policy or regulation requires the entity to undertake the actions involved and that mandatory standard or policy is enforced.
What is a CPA? A CPA is a project activity under a PoA. A CPA is a single, or a set of interrelated measure(s), to reduce GHG emissions or result in net anthropogenic greenhouse gas removals by sinks, applied within a designated area defined in the baseline methodology/ies. Each CPA shall be uniquely identified, defined and localized in an unambiguous manner including the exact start and end date of the crediting period, by providing, at the stage it is added to the registered PoA, the information required by the registered PoA (EB 32, Annex 38, paragraph 9). Multiple CPAs can be included under a Programme of Activities (PoA) at the time of registration and additional CPAs can be added at any point in the life of the Programme of Activities
What is the role of the coordinating/managing entity(CME)? An entity authorized by all participating host country DNAs involved in a particular PoA and nominated statement as the entity that communicates with the Board and the secretariat, including on matters relating to the distribution of CERs. Obligations of the CME development of a PoA Design Document (CDM-POA-DD) development of the PoA-specific CDM CPA Design Document (CDM-CPA-DD) obtaining letters of approval for implementation of the PoA from each Hosty Party and Annex I Party involved in the PoA; submission of the above design documents to a DOE; during the life of the PoA, maintenance of all monitoring reports of all CPAs in accordance with record keeping systems outlined in the CDM-POA-DD;
What is a design document? The Programme of Activities (PoA) Design Document (CDM-POA- DD) is the key document involved in the validation and registration of a PoA. It is one of the three documents required for a PoA to be registered, along with the validation report from the designated operational entity (DOE) and the letter of approval from the designated national authority (DNA).
What is additionality? In the context of a Programme of Activities (PoA), the requirement of additionality means that both the PoA itself and each component project activity (CPA) would not have been implemented, or would not have been implemented to the same extent, without registration under the CDM.
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