Chapter 5. Slide 1 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, CollectionsObjectives To provide or improve access to the most valuable and unique cultural documents cultural documents To eliminate a risk of the potential damages of documents To enlarge a number of interested users To develop commercial exploitation of a library, archive Long – term reservation of documents
Chapter 5. Slide 2 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Type of Material Considered Rare books Historical maps Photographs and postcards Prints and engravings Audio tapes, records, early video material
Chapter 5. Slide 3 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Digitisation Versus Microfilming In digital delivery: image quality is better the storage requirements are modest Regarding the needs of preservation digital materials are more vulnerable specific hardware and software required no guarantee for continuing access to digitized materials of enduring value materials of enduring value For details see:
Chapter 5. Slide 4 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Criteria of Selection for Digitising Major Criteria: 1. Influence on the history of the world on the country 2. Contribution to understanding of the world (region) country at a important time in its history 3. Place – it contains important information on the world (region) country (region) country 4. People – a special association with the life or works of a person or people
Chapter 5. Slide 5 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Criteria of Selection for Digitising ( Continued ) 5.Subject / Theme 6.Form and Style (a rare example of an outstanding form or style) 7.Social Value Secondary Criteria: (a)Integrity (b)Rarity
Chapter 5. Slide 6 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections From what to Digitise, Requirements Some kind of reproduction: photograph, slide, microfilm Originals Audio documents – directly form the original Requirements: Book protection No pressure on binding No contact with book Cold light No ultraviolet light Reproduction quality (full grey scale, diminition of stains, enhancement of light zones) enhancement of light zones)
Chapter 5. Slide 7 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Typical Solutions Image material Total depth: grayscale: 8 bits/pixel; color: 24 bits/pixel Format: TIFF Compression: uncompressed Spatial resolution: from 500 X 400 to 1200 X 1000 pixels from 3000 X 2000 to 5000 X 4000 pixels Example of storage requirement is 1.3 MB
Chapter 5. Slide 8 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Typical Solutions ( Continued ) Maps Color 24 bits/pixel Format TIFF Compression: uncompressed Spatial resolution: 300 dpi Example of storage requirements is 60 MB
Moving images ( Resolution from moderate to law ) Image size: 320 X 240 px to 160 X 120 px Frame rate: 30 fps Data rate: ca. 150 Kb/s to 100 Kb/s Compression: MPEG - 1 Format: mpg Storage requirement: from 43 Mb MPEG file to 2.1 MB Chapter 5. Slide 9 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Typical Solutions ( Continued )
Chapter 5. Slide 10 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Typical Solutions ( Continued ) Audio material Attributes: kHz sample rate 16 bit word, mono Format: WAVE (MS) Typical storage requirement is 2.4 MB WAVE For details see:
Chapter 5. Slide 11 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, Collections Cataloging Electronic Versions of Documents Where? – in the main catalogue or in separate What form? – electronic, Website Access, reproduction, Copyright Preservation of digitised documents
Chapter 5. Slide 12 Digital Archives, Collections Digital Archives, CollectionsExamples Archivo General de Indias, Spain UNESCO projects Digitisation project in Hungary Additional information: