Provided By Hotel Occupancy Tax and Hospitality Consulting Program
“An effective approach to HOT revenue enhancement.” “Combined expert lodging analysis, legal and administrative review, and field auditing to help me maximize HOT revenue generation and better promote visitation to our community.”
Helping municipalities with revenue enhancement services on a national scale
Did You Know? MuniServices is a leading provider of speciality financial services to Texas cities through the Texas Municipal Legue and otherwise. MuniServices is currently serving clients nationally. MuniServices has found over 1 billion dollars for client municipalities.
Hotel Occupancy Tax and Hospitality Consulting Program Services
Local Hotel Occupancy Tax Review Service An ASSESSMENT service that... Reviews a city’s HOT ordinance to identify possible deficiencies and procedures in applying the HOT ordinance. Recommends changes that strengthen a city’s HOT ordinance and procedures.
Local Hotel Occupancy Tax Review Service An ANALYSIS service that… Analyzes lodging provider return information. Provides the city with a report on trends. Identifies and locates providers not properly registered.
Local Hotel Occupancy Tax Review Service A FIELD AUDIT service that... Verifies accuracy of filed HOT returns and reviews exempted revenue for proper qualifying documentation. Compares the State and Federal tax filings with the HOT returns, where possible. Coordinates with City staff to facilitate recovery or revenue for errors/omissions.
Conducts a seminar session with City staff to present and discuss issues pertaining to HOT. Local Hotel Occupancy Tax Review Service An EDUCATION service that... Conducts a seminar session for local lodging providers to disseminate information.
Program Benefits
Increased Revenue for Tourism Promotion Better Targeting of Revenue for Tourism Promotion
Without increasing taxes, enhance revenue available for tourism promotion!
Taxpayers respect a business-like approach. You enhance the image of government by increasing management efficiency.
There may be no additional cost to you, because the fee is usually offset by the increased revenue that is identified by the process.
There are no increased demands on your staff.
You achieve additional future revenue benefits as a result of increased understanding by your staff and through improved compliance by business constituents.
Program Costs
We can present specialized service and cost alternatives to accommodate every situation.
If you would like more information…
Contact Brian Gordon, CPA Texas Marketing Manager MuniServices, LLC 877-TAX-REV1