South Dakota Library Network MetaLib Management Basics Cluster/Facet Admin South Dakota Library Network 1200 University, Unit 9672 Spearfish, SD © South Dakota Library Network, 2012 ©Ex Libris (USA), 2011 Modified for SDLN Version 4.x
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Institutional Settings 2 From the MetaLib Main menu, select Institutional Settings to display the General tab
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Institutional Settings 3 Click CLUSTER-FACET in the navigation bar
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Institutional Settings 4 The Cluster ‐ Facet tab contains parameters pertaining to the institution as a whole, as well as separate parameters for each of the Cluster/ Facets. Default values are displayed. If no changes are made, MetaLib uses the default values for the presentation of the search results in the user interface. Sites can change some or all of the values in order to create a customized presentation of the Cluster/Facets in the display of the search results.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Parameters - Activate 5 Activate Cluster-Facet The Activate Cluster-Facet parameter determines whether clustering and faceting is enabled for the selected institution. By default, Activate Cluster-Facet is checked. In order to disable the display of all the Cluster/Facets in the user interface for the selected institution, clear the check box. If the parameter is cleared, no Cluster/Facets are displayed in the search results in the user interface for the specific institution.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Parameters – Number of Nodes to display 6 The Collapse ‐ Number of Nodes to Display (02 ‐ 99) parameter determines how many clusters are displayed under each facet for the selected institution. The default is 05. The valid range for this parameter is from 02 to 99.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Parameters 7 Example: The following is the default display of five nodes for the Topics cluster: After clicking the expand icon, the expanded set of nodes is displayed.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Parameters 8 Status The following parameter determines whether a cluster or facet is displayed in the user interface. Possible values are: A – Active I – Inactive The default for Topics, Dates, Authors, and Journal Titles is Active. The default for Databases and Subjects is Inactive. Click the radio button next to the desired option to change the status from active to inactive and vice versa.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Parameters 9 Cluster/Facet Display Threshold The parameters below determine whether a specific Cluster or Facet defined as active is relevant or not. If not relevant, the Cluster/Facet is not displayed in the user interface. It is used only if the Node Display Threshold criterion is satisfied. The indicator consists of two parameters: Minimum Number of Nodes – The number of nodes in the specific Cluster/Facet (besides Other) that determines whether it is displayed or not Minimum Number of Documents – The minimum number of documents for at least one of the Cluster/Facets nodes in order for the node to be displayed.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Parameters 10 Node Display Threshold The Node Display Threshold parameter determines the minimum number of documents that are in each node of the Cluster/Facet. The default value is 2. If the number of documents in a potential Cluster/Facet node is less than the Node Display Threshold value, the node is not displayed. The documents are grouped under another node or under the Other node depending on the new nodes that are created.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Parameters 11 Sort Options The Sort Options parameter determines the sort order of the Cluster/Facet nodes. The sort order can be one of the following: Alphabetical – In alphabetical order Number of Documents (desc) – By the number of documents associated with the node, in descending order By Year – By year, in descending order, for the Dates facet
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Parameters 12 Date Grouping The Grouping parameter allows you to group years in the Dates Facet. This parameter enables the grouping of years into three sets: After year Y Between years X and Y Before year X The defaults are: After 2000 Between 1990 and 2000 Before 1990
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Confirming Updates 13 Click SUBMIT after making any changes to the default definitions. All the parameter values are updated. If no errors are found, the following message is displayed: Cluster-Facet customization table successfully updated If an error is found, an error message is displayed. Until the error is corrected, none of the changes during the current session are saved.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Facets Order 14 Facets Order It is possible to determine the order of the facets displayed in the user interface. The default order is Dates, Authors, Journal Titles, Databases, and Subjects. Clicking on the icon displays the Order Facets screen.
MetaLib Cluster/Facet Admin Facets Order 15 Select the facet you wish to move. In order to change the position, click: to move the facet to the top of the list to move the facet to the end of the list to move the facet up one position to move the facet down one position Click OK to confirm any changes. Click Cancel to revert to the previously saved order.