Special Committee on Migration Issues Executive Secretariat for Integral Development October 7, 2008
Index 1. Notes and facts about Migration 2. The OAS on the topic of Migration 3. Tools for the implementation of the CEAM Work Plan
1. Notes and facts about Migration
Migration is a political, economic, and social phenomenon CEPAL estimated that in 2006, 26 million citizens of Latin American and Caribbean nations lived in a country different to their country of origin. For that same year, global migration was estimated at 191 million people 22 million people lived in countries outside of Latin America and the Caribbean 4 million lived in other Latin American and Caribbean countries.
In recent years, the increase of migration stemming from Latin American and Caribbean countries is greater than global migration (1.5% vs 3.6% annual average) The region includes the country with the greatest number of transit-migrants (México) 13.6% of global migration comes from Latin America and the Caribbean (1 of every 7) Year Global Migration Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean Migration Statistics (Millions)
Migration Patterns The recipient countries of migration from Latin America and the Caribbean have diversified in the last years, in some countries their participation in the migration population has grown : 1. United States 2. Spain 3. Canada 4. Italy 5. United Kingdom
2. The OAS on the topic of Migration
2007 CEAM AG/RES CAJP AG/RES 2141 Permanent Council EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT FOR INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT Inter American Program for the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants Work Plan CIDH CIM IIN SAP SAJ Summits Participation of the OAS on the topic of Migration
THE TOPIC OF MIGRATION IS A HEMISPHERIC PRIORITY “ …Me propongo establecer una coordinación, en el nivel que corresponda, para la ejecución del programa interamericano de manera que unifiquemos los criterios de las diferentes áreas de la OEA” José Miguel Insulza Secretario General 2 de mayo, 2007
CEAM PRECEDENTS (AG/RES ) On May 2, 2007, the Permanent Council convened an extraordinary session to analyze and discuss human migration flow and their impact on Member States. On October 24, of the same year, the Permanent Council established the Special Committee on Migration Issues. On October 24, of the same year, the Permanent Council established the Special Committee on Migration Issues.
CEAM Develop a matrix of data for the integral analysis of migration flows. Produce a data base of existing legal frameworks, policies and national programs about migration. Link the efforts of the OAS with those of the regional processes of counsel on migration matters. Promote the exchange of experiences and best practices. Mandates
3. Tools for the Implementation of the Work Plan CEAM CEAM
In Latin America and the Caribbean, information on migration is scarce and poorly organized There are no standardized statistics. There are discrepancies in national definitions. The lack of reliable information weakens decision making and the formulation of migration policies in the region The Statistical Documentation and Information on Migration Matters
Current Migration Statistical Systems Migration Information Systems: IMILA (CEPAL) UN OECD (SOPEMI) ILO Factors complicating collection: Lack of substantiation in national statistics Lag in the fulfillment of censuses Difficulty to estimate irregular migration Varying definitions of temporary and permanent migrant
SIMA Sistema de Información Migratoria de las Américas SIMA is a permanent digital library that collects information concerning migration
Towards a Hemispheric Vision of Migration I. Migration Patterns in the Western Hemisphere II. Migration and Economic Development III. Legislation on Hemispheric Migration IV. Labor Migration and Temporary Worker Program Bilateral Agreements V. Risk Factors of Migration Flow in the Americas
Thank You “…por ser la migración un tema de naturaleza internacional, requiere de un enfoque multidimensional y cooperativo por parte de los gobiernos para poder manejar la movilidad de las personas”. Albert Ramdin Assistant Secretary General Extraordinary Session of the Permanent Council May 2, 2007