(Machine Maintenance Information System) Welcome to MMIS (Machine Maintenance Information System)
Modules ISO i.e. all the necessary Maintenance activities and machine are involved to running the Industry in well position. General i.e. all the necessary Maintenance activities and machine are involved to boost up your industry. Other i.e. all those machine and activities that are not applicable on production machine but it will be the part of life and industry.
Division Similarly as module MMIS divide its working for two part Maintenance Engineering
Responsibility MMIS give user wise responsibility One Responsibility Multiple Responsibility
Opportunity and Limitation MMIS allows each user to work only for a division. MMIS allows to user only for a module at the time login If they wants to work on another module then first exit it and then again login for the new module
Sections Each division have multiple section like : Mechanical Electrical Instrumental Electronics Etc.
Activity Each section have multiple or different activities like : Cleaning Preventive Maintenance Repairing etc
Sub Activities Each activity have various works called as sub activities Cots buffing Oil changing Greasing Screw tightening Connection checking Etc.
Parts Sometimes at the time Maintenance required the new parts so that MMIS gives a facility to create a Part master
Machine and Instruments The maintenances would be done either Machine or Instrument. So that MMIS allows to Maintain the Machine Master
Department Each machine belonging to a particular department Or say the Industry have various department and each department have multiple machines So that MMIS allows to maintain the various departments by feeding in Department Master
Parameter Each machines have various parameters like : Make Model Mfd. Year Type of Motor Speed Guage etc
Unit Each Parameter have its different unit like : RPM MPM No. Kg Feet Mm etc
Work Centers Each machine can be consider into one Work center or say Cost center
Schedule For finding out the next month/week(s) schedule first necessary to feed up the machine wise activity wise last maintenance date, its cycle and the torlence limit etc. On the basis of above values MMIS, calculates the next schedule of each machine and each activity automatically.
Maintenance Entry Whenever the user maintain the machine, he does some work on the machine. He can identify its all work and if they have replaced the parts then its information to MMIS. MMIS will be prepared the next schedule on the basis of Job date and its cycle. MMIS will also keep all the records in the system, so that user can view the data as various types.
Reports On the basis of maintenance done by user MMIS gives various outputs as required by the user within a minute of time like : Preparing the next month of schedule plan, Find out the maintenance due report Preparing the Maintenance Register etc. All these outputs would be given in the various type like date wise, machine wise, activity wise etc.
Thanking you