Significant Bomb 14 C Enrichment in Deep Soil: A Previously Unrecognized Decadal C Pool? W. Troy Baisden and Roger L Parfitt Landcare Research, Palmerston North, New Zealand Funded by NZ Foundation for Research Science and Technology Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry US-NZ Climate Change Partnership through NZ Govt
Depth (cm) ∆ 14 C (‰, pre-bomb atm.= 0) % Modern Carbon (1950 atmosphere) California Grassland Soil
Baisden et al 2002, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Koputaroa, New Zealand Goh et al, 1976 Syers et al, 1970
Judgeford, New Zealand O’Brien and Stout, 1978
Understanding Carbon Storage and Turnover The balance between inputs and outputs Soil Organic Matter Inputs Outputs
The Model DOM v DOM k DOM Concentration
Model Formulation for DRDSC (Decadally Reactive Deep Soil C) Mass (g/m 2 ) Downward Transport (cm/yr) First Order Loss Coefficient (yr -1 ) E-folding Depth (cm) No interactions with other 3 pools Is DRDSC from roots or dissolved organic matter (DOM)? –Progressive enrichment in most profiles –Below rooting zone
Data Assimilation via a Genetic Algorithm Evolves a chromosome of parameter values toward the best value for the model fit (based on an ‘objective function’) Inefficient but searches parameter space on both sides of the bomb-C spike Monte-Carlo style variation in 14 C and %C data Parameter uncertainty estimated from Monte-Carlo –Greater of: Standard deviation of best fits with data PDFs Difference between best fit with and without PDFs included Emphasizing fitting DRDSC pool sizes
Koputaroa Soil, New Zealand 14 C (per mil) Cumlative Soil Mass (g cm -2 )
DRDSC as a Fraction of Total SOC 10-20% of Deep Soil C has Decadal Dynamics Possibly increasing with Depth? Better understanding of DOC needed! 10-20% of Deep Soil C has Decadal Dynamics Possibly increasing with Depth? Better understanding of DOC needed! Koputaroa