Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data processing and its usage for forest cover and forest stand parameter estimation Géza Király 1, Gábor Brolly 1 1 University of West Hungary Faculty of Forestry Department of Surveying and Remote Sensing H-9400 SOPRON, Bajcsy-Zs u. 4.
Methodology 1. Planning the survey and getting the permission Execution of the survey Pre-processing Filtering Relative orientation Absolute orientation Processing Digital Surface Model (DSM) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) normalised Digital Surface Model (nDSM) 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec2
Methodology 2. Forest parameters extraction Area-based methods Stand heights Crown closure Stem density Individual tree based methods Number of single trees Single tree heights Crown projection area Processing of imagery data 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec3
INMEIN project (HUSK/1101/1.2.1/0141) Execution of the survey: /04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec4
File (‚Adatlap’) – MH GEOSZ 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec5
Execution Point density (0 – 40 points/m 2 ) 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec6
~1900 images have been captured parallel True-colour images (RGB) ~10 cm resolution Mono- and stereo- photogrammetric evaluation Image-based forest cover 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec7
Relative orientation 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec8
Digital Elevation Models Digital Terrain Model DTM Normalised Digital Surface Model – nDSM 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec9 Adaptive TIN method nDSM = DSM-DTM Digital Surface Model DSM Fitting parabola method
Digital Surface Model (DSM) Functional model Tree height Single crowns Semi-continuous surface Properties Highest points of the crowns Smooth surfaces inside the crowns Drop down to the ground between the crowns Polynomial Approximation Approximation Local point filtering Maximum 2nd order surfaces 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec10
Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec11
Normalised Digital Surface Model (nDSM) and its detail 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec12
Normalised Digital Surface Model, Canopy Height Model (nDSM – CHM) 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec13 where: V: Volume of the stand (m 3 ) F c : form number for crown projection area G c : Sum of crown projection area (m 2 ) H: average stand height (m)
Segmentation of the crowns Inverse watershed modelling Jenson and Domingue 1988 Gougeon 1995 Hyyppä, Inkinen 1999 Sinkpoints -> tip Watershed -> crown 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec14
Results Forest stand height Distribution of the relative heights of the points 90% perc: m (39 m/34 m) Delineation of sub-stands 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec15
Results Crown-closure 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec16
Results Delineation of sub-stands 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec17
Results Number of trees Old stand: 383 (227) Reforestation: 582 (100) 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec18
Results Volume 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec19
Reference measurements Kisbodak 18P 19C 19E National Forest Inventory method Terrestrial Laser Scanning Field Survey (ERTI) 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec20
Further tasks Reference data collection and processing Form-number determination for poplar stands Combination of Laser Scanning data with imagery data for improving automatic forest cover maps and forest parameters determination 24/04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec21
THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Further info: Acknowledgements: INMEIN - HUSK/1101/1.2.1/ /04/2014RS In Forest Protection and Inventory, Novy Smokovec22