Overview of basic Queries Single Item And Query Or Query
Date =Date() Todays date <Date()-30 This example will display all the records with a date more than 30 days old in the Invoice Date field. <Date()-30
Missing records or data Not "text" finds all records except those matching the specified text. Not Like "X*" finds all records except those starting with the specified letter (or string of text). Is Null Is Not Null
“Not Belfast”. Find all customer Not from Belfast
“Is Null” finding a missing customers order details
WILD CARDS Yor* would find York, Yorkshire and Yorktown but not New York. Mar? would find Mark but not Mario, Martin or Omar. F*d would find Fred and Ferdinand but not Frederick. <"N" would find all entries beginning with a letter lower than the letter N in the alphabet. In other words, all entries starting with the letters A - M. >"F" And <"H" would find all entries beginning with the letters F and G. Not "Text" = finds all the records without that word
The Parameter Query Sometimes you want to search for data but you don't know what it is (Like looking in the TV guide to see what is on)
Is not null expression date
Expression Query Sometimes you want to use numerical data from different tables together
What data / information might you need to find? 1.Write a list of al the information you might need to find 2.Think about the TYPE of query that would be useful for this task 3.List the data that would be required and the criteria