Islamic University in Gaza Faculty of commerce Business Administration Department (BUSE 4302) Operations Research Instructor: Hani Abuamer Office Hours: To be announced within two weeks
Objectives: After completing this course, students will be able to: Describe the Operations Research Modeling Approach. Describe the Operations Research Modeling Approach. Understand the application of Operations Research in a real life. Understand the application of Operations Research in a real life. Describe the use of modeling in Operations Research. Describe the use of modeling in Operations Research. Discuss possible problems in using Operations Research. Discuss possible problems in using Operations Research.
Topics: 1. Overview of the Operations Research Modeling Approach. 2. Decision Analysis. 3. Forecasting 4. Linear Programming: Formulations & Graphical Solution. 5. Linear Programming: The Simplex Method. 6. Transportation 7. Network 8. Simulation 9. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). 10. Waiting Lines & Queuing Theory Model.
Grading: Quizzes 10% Quizzes 10% Group Work and Participation 10% Group Work and Participation 10% Midterm 30% Midterm 30% Final Exam 50% Final Exam 50% Textbook: Textbook: Render, Stairs, Hanna, Quantitative analysis for management, Render, Stairs, Hanna, Quantitative analysis for management, 9 th edition. 9 th edition. References: References: Hillier, F. S. & Lieberman, G. J.: Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw-Hill Inc., Hillier, F. S. & Lieberman, G. J.: Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw-Hill Inc., Taha, Hamdy: Operations Research: An Introduction, McMillan Publishing Company, N.Y., Taha, Hamdy: Operations Research: An Introduction, McMillan Publishing Company, N.Y., 1987.