Many congregations are dwindling Young not converted Old passing on Members falling away No conversions from the world
Can we convert 4, 5, 6 people this year? Too difficult? Harvest waiting, Jn. 4:35 Preach to the whole world, Mk. 16:15
The seed is the word of God, Lk. 8:11 Power, Jas. 1:18, 21 Fruitful, Jn. 15:1-8
Four kinds of men Hard-hearted, Lk. 4:16-29 Weak, shallow, Mt. 26:31-35, Worldly, 2 Tim. 4:9, 10 Good, faithful, steadfast, Phil. 2:19-22
What kind of “soil” is out there? First three? Last one? What are we?
Constant attention is needed to produce a fruitful crop Plant, Mt. 28:19 Water, Mt. 28:20 Weed, Jer. 1:10
God gives the increase Cannot force it Faith in God & His word ›Will accomplish its purpose, Isa. 55:8-11 ›Power to salvation, Rom. 1:16 ›Pierces the soul, Heb. 4:12
You will reap what you sow After its kind, Gen. 1:12 ›Peaches ›Corn
You will reap what you sow Sow seed of the gospel – harvest a Christian, 1 Pt. 1:22, 23; Acts 26:28 ›Methodist book of Discipline – Methodist ›Book of Mormon – Mormon ›Baptist Doctrine – Baptist
You will reap what you sow Sow to the spirit, reap blessings ›Individuals: growth, peace ›Congregations: unity, health, growth
You will reap what you sow Sow to the flesh, reap corruption ›Individuals: sadness, separation ›Congregations: factions, leaven
You will reap more than you sow Plants ›Peaches ›Corn
You will reap more than you sow Spiritual: obedience & faithful service ›Forgiveness ›Fellowship ›Eternal life
You will reap more than you sow Carnal: fornication, adultery ›Disease ›Unwanted pregnancy ›Divorce ›Damnation
You will reap later than you sow Garden ›Plant ›Tend ›Harvest
You will reap later than you sow Spiritual ›Congregation: 5 more members next year – must start now ›Individual: heaven in the next lift – must start now
You will reap later than you sow Carnal ›Congregation: apathy now – death later ›Individual: sin now – hell later
Challenge yourself to contact 2-3 people In the next 8 weeks Home study Invite to services Invite to gospel meeting
Lean on God & brethren for help Prayer Encouragement Advice
Can we convert 4, 5, 6 people this year? Too difficult? Harvest waiting, Jn. 4:35 Preach to the whole world, Mk. 16:15