Scotland’s Global footprint Elizabeth Leighton WWF Scotland
The Project Goals: Measure local authority area footprint Use footprint analysis to inform policy (REAP) Develop footprint reduction strategy Curriculum materials and software for schools Roll out to local authorities and schools
Partners With support from Scottish Power
Achievements Footprint adopted as an indicator Policy priorities for footprint reduction identified Scenarios underway (REAP) Reduction Strategies in Spring 06 Curriculum materials successfully piloted Footprint analysis complete
Schools Treading Lightly Cults Primary, Aberdeen Our Lady’s Secondary North Lanarkshire
Progress Ecological Footprint and : Best Value Indicator sets Strategic Environmental Assessment Climate Change Strategies Scottish Executive Sustainable Development Strategy Are We Measuring Up to Sustainable Development?
What can I do now?
Local Authorities Local Authority Area Footprint Results – January 2006 Guide to Footprinting for Local Authorities REAP support package
Scottish Executive Use the Ecological Budget UK results to: Adopt the Ecological Footprint as a sustainable development indicator Analyse policies in ‘big hitter’ areas such as food, waste, transport, energy Produce a strategy to reduce footprint Mainstream education for sustainable development – learning to live differently
Steps on the Footprint Ladder (1) Commit the whole organisation Adopt the Ecological Footprint as a sustainable development indicator alongside social and economic headline indicators Integrate the Ecological Footprint into the corporate strategy
Steps on the Footprint Ladder (2) Commit to using data results to inform policies, plans and strategies Maintain transparency and accountability Verify the data by the people who will use it Build in data requirements to ongoing surveys
Project Affiliates 1) ‘How To’ workshop – early spring 06 2) Scenario Workshop – autumn 06 How can Scotland’s Global Footprint Project help you?
Measure your footprint Footprint Quiz or online Reduce your footprint at home and work
Scotland’s Global footprint Elizabeth Leighton WWF Scotland