I can analyze proverbs and create a modern day proverb. I can use context clues to determine meaning of words. I can analyze dialect in text in order to determine characterization. I can analyze a short story using a graphic organizer.
Respond: What does one’s dialect say about an individual? What stereotypes are given to certain dialects? Do you agree or disagree with these stereotypes?
ple/jesse-stuart/ ple/jesse-stuart/
Jesse Hilton Stuart, ( August 8, February 17, 1984) a famous American writer, was born and raised in Greenup County, Kentucky. He was the second of seven children. His parents were Mitchell and Martha Stuart. His father was a coal miner and a tenant farmer, and even though he himself was uneducated he always wanted his children to have the best education that they could. Jesse was very found of writing all throughout school. After graduating high school he attended Lincoln Memorial University, where he wrote over five hundred poems. After graduation Jesse headed back to his hometown. By the age of nineteen he decided to become a school teacher. One day a hefty student picked a fight with him, and after winning the brawl, he took up a long life interest in improving the conditions of teaching. The following year he became principal at that same school. After that Jesse left the elementary school to go to graduate school for two years at Vanderbilt. Upon returning back to Kentucky after graduate school, Jesse was asked to be Superintendent of Greenup County schools, in which he accepted. Growing up in the country Jesse found all of his inspirations for his writings. He always did his best work when he was just writing at home. Jesse always said that all his stories were based on true stories that happened to himself or people he knew.
A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim.sayingmetaphoricalmaxim Proverbs are often borrowed from similar languages and cultures, and sometimes come down to the present through more than one language. Both the Bible (including, but not limited to the Book of Proverbs) and medieval Latin (aided by the work of Erasmus) have played a considerable role in distributing proverbs across Europe. Mieder has concluded that cultures that treat the Bible as their "major spiritual book contain between three hundred and five hundred proverbs that stem from the Bible." [1] However, almost every culture has examples of its own unique proverbs.Book of ProverbsErasmus [1]
most-important-english-proverbs most-important-english-proverbs What do these proverbs mean? Create a proverb that pertains to a teenager or a student at MCHS.
1. As you read the story, define the vocabulary words on your own sheet of paper using context clues. Harrow reap lard drawbars foremost 2. On the same paper as the vocabulary, identify at least 5 instances of dialect within the story and determine what that word would be in standard English. 3. After reading the story, list at least 5 words that you use every day (your dialect) that it is not a part of standard English. 4. Use the plot diagram chart to analyze the short story.
How does Jesse Stuart use dialect in the story to develop the characters?