PEPFAR Emmanuel Njeuhmeli, MD, MPH, MBA Senior Biomedical Prevention Advisor and Co-Chair PEPFAR Male Circumcision Technical Working Group Office of HIV/AIDS.


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Presentation transcript:

PEPFAR Emmanuel Njeuhmeli, MD, MPH, MBA Senior Biomedical Prevention Advisor and Co-Chair PEPFAR Male Circumcision Technical Working Group Office of HIV/AIDS / Global Health Bureau, US Agency for International Development AIDS 2014 – Stepping Up The Pace Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision for HIV Prevention: Lessons Learned from the Accelerated Scale up in Southern and Eastern Africa

Efficacy of Male Circumcision for STI Prevention from the RCTs Tobian JAMA 2011

Adult Male Circumcision Provides Long-Lasting Protection Against HIV Infection in Rakai, Uganda

Hankins C, Forsythe S, Njeuhmeli E (2011) Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: An Introduction to the Cost, Impact, and Challenges of Accelerated Scaling Up. PLoS Med 8(11): e doi: /journal.pmed Cumulative Number and Percentage of HIV Infections Averted between 2011 to 2025 by Scaling Up VMMC

VMMC Priority Countries as Recommended by WHO-UNAIDS Njeuhmeli E, Forsythe S, Reed J, Opuni M, et al. (2011) Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Modeling the Impact and Cost of Expanding Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in Eastern and Southern Africa. PLoS Med 8(11): e doi: /journal.pmed

Male circumcision is always part of a package of prevention services: –Provider-initiated HIV counseling and testing, including couples HTC –Screening (and treatment) of STIs –Age-appropriate counseling on risk reduction, including reduced number and concurrency of sexual partners, delaying/abstaining from sex –Provision and promotion of correct and consistent use of condoms (male and female) –Active referral and linkage to HIV care/treatment/support services, including other HIV prevention services –Post-operative clinical care and reinforced education/ counseling Minimum Package of Services

“Neither the elegance of the science nor the strength of the effect predict the ease of implementation” David Stanton 1.PEPFAR-UNAIDS 2011 Publications in PLOS Medicine: Signpost the way forward to accelerate the scaling up of VMMC service delivery safely and efficiently to reap individual- and population-level benefits 2.Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton set the goal for PEPFAR to help achieve an AIDS Free generation. VMMC along with increase coverage of treatment and PMTCT were identified as key priorities interventions to help achieve that 3.President Barack Obama challenge PEPFAR to support 4.7 Million VMMC by end of PEPFAR-WHO-UNAIDS-BMGF-World Bank collaboration to launch the WHO-UNAIDS Joint Strategy Action Framework for Acceleration of the Scale-Up of VMMC

Njeuhmeli E, Forsythe S, Reed J, Opuni M, et al. (2011) Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Modeling the Impact and Cost of Expanding Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in Eastern and Southern Africa. PLoS Med 8(11): e doi: /journal.pmed

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention: Improving Quality, Efficiency, Cost Effectiveness, and Demand for Services during an Accelerated Scale-up

Timeline and Key Milestones of the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Program in 14 Priority Countries Sgaier SK, Reed JB, Thomas A, Njeuhmeli E (2014) Achieving the HIV Prevention Impact of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Lessons and Challenges for Managing Programs. PLoS Med 11(5): e doi: /journal.pmed

Scale-up of VMMC Program and Coverage in 14 Priority Countries, Aggregate, 2008–2013 Sgaier SK, Reed JB, Thomas A, Njeuhmeli E (2014) Achieving the HIV Prevention Impact of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Lessons and Challenges for Managing Programs. PLoS Med 11(5): e doi: /journal.pmed

Scale-up of VMMC Program and Coverage in 14 Priority Countries, 2008–2012 Sgaier SK, Reed JB, Thomas A, Njeuhmeli E (2014) Achieving the HIV Prevention Impact of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Lessons and Challenges for Managing Programs. PLoS Med 11(5): e doi: /journal.pmed

Infections Averted by Program Circumcisions to Date Sources: USAID Health Policy Project Unpublished data obtain using DMPPT 2.0 Model By end of Q for South Africa and end of 2013 for Uganda, the two countries have circumcised over 1.3 M and over 1M men respectively. Even if there were no more VMMC after that, the circumcision performed to date would avert an estimated 140,000 and 230,000 infections by 2030, and an estimated 250,000 and 630,000 infections by 2050 respectively in these two countries. South Africa Uganda

Scale-up of VMMC Program and Coverage in 14 Priority Countries: Growth Scenarios, 2008−2016 Sgaier SK, Reed JB, Thomas A, Njeuhmeli E (2014) Achieving the HIV Prevention Impact of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Lessons and Challenges for Managing Programs. PLoS Med 11(5): e doi: /journal.pmed

Client age distribution: PEPFAR implementation data from 2013 from Tanzania, Swaziland, and Malawi Population age distribution: DMPPT 2.0 model for Tanzania, Swaziland, and Malawi Age Distribution of VMMC Clients in Tanzania, Swaziland and Malawi

Cost drivers of VMMC in Tanzania, 2010–2011

Enabling Factors and Levers to Achieve Scale and Impact for the VMMC Program Sgaier SK, Reed JB, Thomas A, Njeuhmeli E (2014) Achieving the HIV Prevention Impact of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: Lessons and Challenges for Managing Programs. PLoS Med 11(5): e doi: /journal.pmed

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