ASEAN WITS (World Integrated Trade Solution): Usage and Data Requirements ASEANstats Presentation High-Level Seminar on ACSS Strategic Plan 2016-2020 Bogor, Indonesia, 17-18 June 2014 Brief background: 1997 – ASEAN Heads of Statistical Offices Meeting – set the stage for the regional cooperation in statistics by endorsing the formulation of an ASEAN Plan of Action in Statistics and recommending the establishment of a statistics unit at the ASEAN Secretariat (2000). Back then, given the limited scope of regional cooperation, a modest statistics unit was sufficient to assist AHSOM . 2001 – the goal to harmonise statistics among AMSs began with the adoption of the ASEAN Framework of Cooperation in Statistics (AFCS) along with the Plan of Action on Statistics (with the following thrusts: ASEAN in 2004 – this was the first time ASEAN statistics was included in the action plan of ASEAN, the Vientiane Action Program 2006 – AHSOM started reporting to the ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting through the Senior Economic Officials Meeting
Introduction Part of the Support to the AIMO: AEC Integration Monitoring Report (AIMR) In-depth analysis of services liberalization and FDI Merchandise trade analysis – development (customization) of the WITS for ASEAN To facilitate trade data analysis Facilitate trade negotiation To perform various kinds of simulation
WITS Customization Funded by AADCP II, Technical support from World Bank Dialogue with WB since mid/late 2011 Key issue: Accessibility of the data: should be for wider public, not only for ASEC, AMSs government and World Bank staff concerned Under construction
ACSS Committee-Related Decisions ACSS Committee 2nd Session, Siem Reap, Cambodia, September 2012: Endorsed a policy to provide access to IMTS data at 6-digit HS level to wider public and 8-digit AHTN for ASEAN purposes Endorsement of data support for the ASEAN WITS is pending, subject to further understanding about the usage and WITS capability
ACSS Committee-Related Decisions ACSS Committee 3rd Session, Brunei Darussalam, September 2013 Adopted the ACSS Policy on Data Sharing, Confidentiality and Dissemination of Statistics Reiterated its support to the development of the WITS-ASEAN module Noted that ASEANstats will utilize IMTS at 6-digit Harmonised System (HS) on per country level for this purpose
Brief about the WITS (Extract from Regional Workshop on IMTS 23-24 October 2012) A software developed by the World Bank, in close collaboration with UNSD, WTO, UNCTAD, ITC A Data consultation and extraction software with simulation capabilities integrate several trade-related databases and provide easy access international trade and protection related data offers built-in analytical tools to assess the impact of tariff changes
Brief about the WITS (Extract from Regional Workshop on IMTS 23-24 October 2012) International Trade and Protection related data • The UNCTAD TRAINS. Annual tariffs structures (MFN Applied and Preferential tariffs, Ad Valorem or not) Non-Tariff Barriers information (1988) • The WTO IDB/CTS; Annual imports (values) tariff structures (current and final Bound, MFN Applied and Preferential tariffs, Ad Valorem or not) since 1996
Brief about the WITS (Extract from Regional Workshop on IMTS 23-24 October 2012) International Trade and Protection … (contd) The UNSD COMTRADE. Annual trade flow information covering gross-imports, gross -exports, Re-Imports and Re-Exports. Subject to technical restriction of number of downloadable records per query. 170 countries since 1962
Data retrieval and analysis WITS Functionality Data retrieval and analysis Quick query Advanced query Tariff Change Simulations Other options Utilities Support materials
WITS Functionality Quick Search: Advance Query: To define a simple query and obtain results quickly Advance Query: Offers a lot of flexibility and options to define large and complex queries. Tariff change Simulations: The SMART simulation tool to estimate the impact of tariff changes on tariff structures, on trade, tariff revenues and welfare.
WITS Functionality Results: Utilities: to check the status of your submitted queries and simulations, view results, add/remove indicators/columns to your results, and download the data. Utilities: gathers various tools aimed at increasing your productivity with WITS like definition and sharing of product and country groups, you often use in your queries. Support materials: give access to reference material like database catalogs, nomenclatures and concordances
Quick Query To define a simple query and obtain results quickly By country and/or by product Export raw data Extraction by criteria
Quick Search-by Country
Quick Search-by Product
Advance Query Multi country/period/product extractions of trade data as well as product or country aggregations. According to 5 listed dimensions: Importers/Reporters, Products, Exporters/Partners, Years, Tariffs/trade flows Building our own country/product groups
Utilities Create country groups Create product groups Define tariff changes Share Groups To share the country and product groups created by you with other users. Data Visualizer Map visualizer Bubble visualizer
Building and Managing Product Groups
Building and Managing Country Groups
WITS Data visualizer Indonesia exports to ASEAN and its main trading partners, 2000
WITS Data visualizer High-technology exports of ASEAN-4, China and India, 2000
Tariff and Trade Simulations: SMART Simulation tool Estimate the impact of tariff changes on tariff structures, on trade, tariff revenues and welfare. Trade creation (TC) Increased exports as a results of changes in demand and prices Trade diversion (TD) Changes in market shares/substitution of goods from different exporters, due to changes in relative prices Total trade effect = TC + TD Other effects Tariff revenue changes, welfare effects
Tariff and Trade Simulations A Scenario to be defined: Products for which the tariff is changed Partners that will be affected by the tariff reform. Formula on how tariffs are to be affected User defined cut (new rate) Maximum Rate Linear Cut - certain percentage cut over all products. Swiss Formula Elasticity is to be assumed, which define behaviors and affect the magnitude of the impact (Demand, Supply and Substitution between two suppliers)
WITS Tariff and Trade Simulation Indonesia, SITC Rev3, The Impact of Tariff on Revenue
WITS Tariff and Trade Simulation Indonesia, SITC Rev3, The Impact of Tariff on Trade Creation
Data Requirements Clearly identified 6 digit HS level of details Export, Import, Re-export Tariff information (MFN, Preferential, Val, Non-Adval) NTM Entire trade and tariff information on the non-ASEAN reporters are available in the ASEAN WITS server (WTO, UNTACD, COMTRADE database, CTS) Note: in most other cases, users could not clearly define the data needs/requirements.