Quelles peintures ne sont pas les oeuvres d’impressionistes? Which of the following have not been painted by impressionists?
Rend chaque tableau à son peintre. Match the paintings with the correct painter.
Manet Monet Renoir Degas
Manet Monet Renoir Degas
Les Impressionnistes Français
Leçon Date: vendredi vingt-six septembre Sujet: Les impressionnistes francais. Objectives: 1.Matching up task 2.Identify the painting task 3.Video/Comprehension Task
Impressionism: - Is a 19 th century art movement which broke the rules of academic painting Impression, Sunrise by Monet Burial at Ornans by Courbet Historical and religious scenes, very realistic, very detailed, very sombre Nature, landscapes, importance of light reflecting from the water, vibrant colours
Monet Cézanne Morisot Degas Manet Renoir Toulouse- Lautrec
Video Dancers at the bar by Degas TOTAL:...../11
Your group project Choose one of the impressionist painters. Prepare a Power Point Presentation about your artist. You should include the following: 1.General information about the artist/situation in France (place of birth, interests). 2.The artist’s inspirations and most important examples of work.