Nikki Massaro Kauffman & Robin Bradford Smail
twitter me this? who are we? who ?
twitter me this? who are we? Robin Smail Penn State World Campus Social Media Socialite & “Renegade
twitter me this? who are we? Nikki Massaro Kauffman Penn State University Libraries “Dr. Nikki” & a
twitter me this? what is
twitter me this? what is it? Brief microblog posts (140 characters) to websites, called “Tweets”.
twitter me this? what is it? People who choose to Follow you get updates by SMS (text messages on your phone) or wifi.
twitter me this? what is it? Tweets can update other application status: Facebook, blogs, IM status.
twitter me this? what is it? It’s real-time one-to-many communication.
twitter me this? what is it? It’s virtual networking via short-form messages.
twitter me this? networking? So it sounds like an IM. And what makes it a social network anyway? Tweets are are public but directed to or about someone. DMs are private.
what if i tried & don’t get it? What if I've tried it and just don't “get” it? Then get: a third-party application more followers a purpose
twitter for your department Holy uses for twitter, Batman!
twitter for your department Use Twitter to promote news & events: PSUWorldCampus psulibs PalmerMuseum pennstatelive
twitter for your department Use Twitter to monitor “your brand”: “Penn State” “Student Affairs” Examples?
twitter for your career Hi, & I have a Ph.D. in horribleness!”
twitter for your career Conference Networking: Use twitter + hashtags to as public notetaking Search hashtags to reply to tweets of event Use tweets to help gather thoughts for blog posts
twitter for your career Professional Relationships: Make existing professional relationships stronger. Minimizes virtual distance; twitter makes us all "virtual coworkers".
twitter for your career Promoting Your Work: Share your your blog posts and other work via Twitpics and tinyURLs, but don't overload. Don’t be “that guy”; only 1 in 8 tweets should self-promotethat guy only 1 in 8 tweets should self-promote
twitter for your productivity I can really “reap” the benefits of twitter at my workplace! will use it today to “kill” a few tasks.
twitter for your productivity ask a question ask for recommendations (e.g., camera recommendations, mechanics, 3rd party Twitter apps) good for getting outside perspective
twitter resources samples.html (link to this presentation) samples.html (link to Twitter resources) tional_designer_in_student_affairs/2009/04/not -just-another-blog-post-abo.html (April Sheninger’s Blog Post on Twitter) tional_designer_in_student_affairs/2009/04/not -just-another-blog-post-abo.html