Life on the Homefront WWII
Introduction World War II was a time of anxiety, fear, and sacrifice for soldiers but also for the family members that they left behind. During today’s reading you will learn about what life was like for those living on the home front. Click here to learn about one sacrifice that families had to make during this
Materials Copy of Rosie the Riveter by Penny Coleman Pen Reading Response Journal Access to the Internet
Before Reading The Home Front “The exit of life as usual” Notice and read the pictures and captions in this chapter. Use the pictures and captions to think about what the title, “The exit of life as usual” could mean to a typical American family living at home during WWII. Click on the pen below to guide your thinking.
While You Are Reading As you are reading, jot down in your RRJ several of the changes families had to make as they adjusted to life on the home front. Draw a picture or a symbol in your RRJ that will remind you of the changes that you believe to be most difficult?
After Reading Write three questions in your RRJ about life on the home front that you believe are answered in this text. Have your partner answer them.
Beyond Reading Click on the house below to take a virtual tour of a typical American home during World War II. Imagine that you are directing a movie set during this time, what props would you be sure to include in order to make the setting authentic? Explain your thinking in your RRJ.
Rubric Before Reading During Reading After Reading Beyond Reading 3 Reader makes predictions based on text features. Predictions reflect inferential understanding of the topic. Reader notes several changes that reveal both literal and inferential understanding of the text. Symbol reflects thinking beyond the text. Reader’s questions reveal both literal and inferential understanding of the text. Partner is able to answer them. Props included reveal both literal and inferential thinking related to the topic. 2 Reader makes predictions based some text features. Predictions reflect literal understanding of the topic. Reader notes several changes that reveal literal understanding of the text. Symbol reflects thinking based on the text. Reader’s questions reveal both literal understanding of the text. Partner is able answer some of them. Props included reveal both literal thinking related to the topic. 1 Reader makes few predictions. Predictions may not be based on text features. Predictions reflect partial understanding of the topic. Reader notes few changes that reveal both literal or partial understanding of the text. Symbol doesn’t reflect thinking related to the text. Reader’s questions reveal inaccurate understanding of the text. Partner is not able to answer them. Props included are not connected to the topic.