WWII the Holocaust
Anti-Semitic roots Competition in religions New testament History of completion Blood libel Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Why Germany? Jews were very integrated into German society German myths -Siegfried- German hero who was betrayed
Hitler comes to power First moves seemed mild-Jews figured it would “blow over” Hitler’s goals: get Jews to leave Germany Jews had nowhere to go. Bad times had happened before they always pass Begins propaganda war against the Jews Goal is to “dehumanize” them Hitler’s first moves directed against opponent and mentally or physically handicapped -24 kinds of people eventually designated for concentration camps
War begins in 1939 Jews forced into ghettos -Warsaw-ghetto most famous Calculated to breed starvation, disease Germany attacks Poland and later Russia -Mobil death squads follow the army Warsaw conference -The “Final Solution” to the Jewish question is adopted Mass deportations to camps empty the ghettos -Warsaw uprising -100s of concentration camps -Six death camps- all in Poland -Auschwitz 6,000 people a day were killed, Sobibor, Bergen- Belsen, Mardoaik, Chelmo, and Treblinka Deportations continued right up till the end of the war
Total Deaths 6 million Jews 6-8 million non-Jews 25 million- total deaths in WWII