Propaganda: Publicity intended to spread ideas or information in order to persuade or convince people of a cause
Propaganda Techniques: Emotion/Fear Bandwagon/Patriotism Card Stacking Guilt Reward Name-Calling (Racism/Sexism) Logical Fallacy (Faulty Cause and Effect)
Propaganda During WWII: Posters, radio commercials, & films created by federal government Posters created by Office of War Information Used to persuade Americans into war effort Main strategies: fear, patriotism, racism
WWII Propaganda
a m e r i c a n s o l d i e r s & workers
w o m e n w o r k e r s
c o n s e r v a t i o n a n d r a t i o n i n g
w a r b o n d s
Response: Respond to the following question in one page (use specific examples from the images): –What messages was the government sending to Americans during wartime? What kind of attitude or climate might this have created among Americans?