Unit 4 Topic: From Isolation to World War ( ) The isolationist approach to foreign policy meant U.S. leadership in world affairs diminished after World War I. Overseas, certain nations saw the growth of tyrannical governments that reasserted their power through aggression and created conditions leading to the Second World War. After Pearl Harbor, the United States entered World War II, which changed the country’s focus from isolationism to international involvement.
Chapter 2: United States Involvement in World War II Content Statement: The United States mobilization of its economic and military resources during World War II brought significant changes to American society. Expectations for Learning: Identify and explain changes American society experienced with the mobilization of its economic and military resources during World War II.
Section 1: Mobilization Content Elaboration: The mobilization of the United States to a wartime economy during World War II was massive. The federal government reorganized existing plants to produce goods and services for the war effort and instituted policies to ration and redirect resources. Content Elaboration: Mobilization caused major impacts of the lives of Americans. A peacetime draft was instituted in 1940to supplement military enlistments. Scrap drives were conducted to reallocate materials for war goods. Regulations were imposed on some wages and prices. Some products were subjected to rationing. Citizens raised victory gardens to supplement food supplies and purchased war bonds to help fund the war. Some labor unions signed no-strike pledges.
Home Front what goes on in the United States during a time of war
Mobilizing For War A. Mobilize: Get ready for war B. We were not ready, but Draft million in army guns, planes, tanks, and ships built ***This got the United States completely out of the Great Depression.
Converting to Wartime A. Factories = war materials = full employment = prosperity on the home front B. Ration: an allotted amount 1. oil, sugar, meat, shoes, coffee, gas 2. coupons
Raising Money A. War cost $321 billion! 1. taxes raised 2. war bonds ($100 billion sold): sold to help raise money during the war ***Farmers were doing well during the war. ***Manufacturing wages went up 50%. ***Many prospered during the war.
Other Mobilizing Efforts Scrap metal was gathered so that it could be used for the war effort. People planted “victory gardens” to supplement the food supply Some unions vowed to not go on strike
Propaganda A. Propaganda: information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. B. U.S. created Office of War Information –1. promoted public support for war –2. used propaganda a. movies b. advertisements c. artwork d. one of most famous: Frank Capra’s series Why We Fight, which was shown around the U.S. C. This propaganda showed our enemies as brutal barbarians and the U.S. as the good guys.
Section 2: Job Opportunities for Women and Minorities and the Internment of Japanese-Americans Content Elaboration: Job opportunities in the civilian workforce and in the military opened for women and minorities. African Americans organized to end discrimination and segregation so that they could contribute to the war effort. Although Japanese Americans were interned in relocation camps by the U.S. government, many enlisted in the armed forces.
Women During World War II A. In the Armed Forces: ,000 women in armed forces 2. no combat 3. did all other jobs B. Had to join work force 1. 6 million more women (Total = 18 million) C. Did men’s jobs 1. lumberjacks 2. blast furnace operators 3. blacksmiths 4. doctors 5. chemists 6. lawyers D. Black women benefit 1. better jobs 2. more able to work
African-Americans During the War Racial segregation and the war A. 1 million black soldiers --less discrimination than WWI B. Dr. Charles Drew --blood bank C. Segregation still existed D no racial quotas in armed forces. Black Americans and the home front A. A. Philip Randolph --fought for racial equality B. Blacks moved to the cities to work for factories (Just like in WWI)
Japanese-Americans are Interned A. 1942: Japanese-Americans forced into internment camps 1. 11,000 J-A rounded up 2. sold homes 3. closed businesses 4. put into camps 5. no evidence of guilt 6. released in 1944 ***1200 of these J-A’s fought for the U.S. in WWII!!!!!!
OGT Multiple Choice (Practice Test Booklet 2005) During World War II, in the United States Japanese-Americans were A. given full rights as American citizens B. given partial rights as Americans citizens C. treated as though the war had not happened D. forced into internment camps
OGT Multiple Choice Which was NOT a way the U.S. raised money for World War II? A. taxes were raised B. war bonds were sold C. the government forced people to donate money
OGT Multiple Choice (Practice Test Booklet 2005) Which of the following statements best describes what happens to constitutional rights in the United States during times of war? A. Americans are free to exercise all of the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution B. Many constitutional freedoms are restricted because of concerns over national security C. By law, the Constitution is temporarily abolished until after the war is over. D. Americans find no change in the amount of freedom they have during wartime
OGT Short Answer During times of war or perceived danger to the United States, groups of Americans have been singled out as potentially disloyal to the country. For example, during World War I, patriotic support for the war led to a distrust and persecution of German-Americans. In some places, German language instruction was forbidden, and German culture and heritage were subject to discrimination. Identify a group of Americans that was targeted as potentially disloyal in the years between 1940 and (1 point) Explain why this group was targeted. (1 point)
OGT Extended Response What impact did World War II have on African-American and women in regards to the workforce? (4 points)
OGT Extended Response Before World War II began, the United States was in the worst depression in history. Although FDR tried many different programs in his New Deal, the depression did not end until World War II. Explain how World War II impacted our economy, and how this war led us out of depression. (4 points)
OGT Extended Response During World War II, Japanese-Americans were forced into intern camps. Do you agree with this? Give two reasons why you agree or disagree. What rights were taken away from this group? (4 points)