Fall 2012 Canadian History Francis, Sobolewski, Bartok
Took away citizenship and civil rights of Jews = No protection under the law Illegal for Jew to marry a non-Jew Almost impossible to earn a living – banned from most industry “Jewish” became a genetic designation, not religious If you have 1 Jewish grandparent; then you are considered Jewish under this law
Re-Occupation of the Rhineland German troops march into the Rhineland No one stops the German advance Hitler orders troops to turn back if met with any resistance T of V forbids Germany from rearming the Rhineland- they have broken the Treaty of Versailles, …but why go to war? …No one will go to war over Germany reoccupying their own country
Civil War between fascism and communism Franco supported by Italy and Germany 1500 Canadians will defy the government and go to fight- Why? No jobs – Great Depression, concerned about the spread of fascism This is where Hitler will test his “war machine” – figure out how to use the new technologies
Nazi soldiers occupy Austria w/o a single shot fired- only the threat of force No attempt to stop Hitler- Why? Referendum held – voted to join Germany (German troops are in the capital) Austria wanted to join Germany in 1919, but forbidden to do so. Point – there was no need to go to war if they were willing Hitler’s territorial advance makes him a hero in Germany
Br + Fr meet with Hitler Agreed/”allowed” Hitler to have Sudetenland -- Policy of Appeasement Appeasement – giving in to Hitler’s demands for assurances there will be no more demands Avoid a war at all costs – not physically or psychologically ready for war
A mutual support treaty signed by Hitler and Mussolini They pre plan how they will divide any potential “spoils of war” Hitler will get Northern Europe Mussolini will get Southern Europe and Northern Africa
German embassy officer is shot by a Polish Jew in France Jewish shops were looted; thousands arrested and beaten Fine the Jews to pay for the damaged/looted shops First time Jews sent to concentration camps This is a legal procedure because the Nuremberg Laws are in place
Nazi troops occupy the REST of Czech. Breaks the Munich Agreement No attempt to defend their independence Br + Allies not interested with this occupation and not ready for war Allied rearmament will begin
Pact between Germany and Russia Will not fight each other in the event of a war Secretly decide to divide Poland Hitler does not need to fear an attack from the East -- Prevents a war on two fronts
Hitler demands the Polish Corridor back Poland refuses, Nazi’s launch Blitzkrieg Poland falls in under 3 weeks
Sept 3, 1939 Br. declares war, appeasement fails Sept 10, 1939 Canada declares war, 7 days later Debated in the H of C to exercise our independence