The Infamy of WWII Japanese Internment and The Holocaust
Dr. Seuss: Japanese Internment
Relocation- Executive Order 9066 California was the home of 120,000 Japanese Americans In 1942, 1500 Japanese were evacuated from Hawaii Later that year, 110,000 from the west coast were sent to “relocation centers”
Court Case in the Book Korematsu vs. the U.S.(1944) – Korematsu defied order; ACLU urged him to appeal conviction Supreme Court upheld his internment – “Military Necessity” EO repealed in 1976 by President Ford; Decision reversed in ‘84 Later, $20,000 was paid in reparations to each individual- Enough?
Meanwhile.. Japanese-American battalion was most decorated in the U.S. military
Good vs. Evil The Lucifer Effect- Philip Zimbardo
The Legacy of the War What good came from WWII?
The Legacy of the War The GI Bill – Provided financial assistance for returning soldiers to attend college Veterans’ Administration – Home loans to veterans of war The United Nations – Housed in NYC – Security Council (USSR, U.S., China, France, G.B.) and other member nations have a similar goal to the former League of Nations
What remains unsolved… The use of Atomic Weapons The role of the USSR in Eastern Europe The role of the United States in post-war reconstruction of European nations The relationship between U.S. and U.S.S.R.