A Quick Review of the Big Picture Key Events of WWII A Quick Review of the Big Picture
Question #1 Name 4 main Causes of WWII…
4 Causes Treaty of Versailles Global Depression Rise of Totalitarianism Appeasement/Isolationism Invasion of Poland
Question #2 Name 4 main Allied Powers Name 3 main Axis Powers
Axis and Allies Allies Axis Great Britain France Soviet Union Other Allied nations: Australia Belgium Brazil Canada China Czechoslovakia Ethiopia Greece India Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Philippines Poland South Africa Yugoslavia Allies Great Britain France Soviet Union United States Axis Germany Italy Japan Other Axis nations: Hungary Romania Bulgaria Co-belligerents San Marino Finland Iraq Thailand
Question #3 Name 4 Allied Leaders Name 4 Axis Leaders
Leaders Allied Axis Winston Churchill Charles DeGaulle Joseph Stalin F.D.R. Truman Chang kai Shek Axis Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini Emperor Hirohito Hideki Tojo
Question #4 What was the battle of Stalingrad and why was it important?
Battle of Stalingrad Failed German invasion of Russia. Major Turning point in the War in Europe.
Question #5 What was the name given to the Allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944?
Question #6 What was the Holocaust and why is it significant?
The Holocaust
Question #7 How did the war in the Pacific end?
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki