Effects of WWII on Germany
Death and Destruction German cities destroyed Industries shattered Millions of people left homeless 3 million died in battle Thousands killed in air raids 6 million Jews murdered
The plan for Germany British Zone: Northwest (contained the coal and heavy industry regions) American Zone: Southwest (scenic highland resorts with little industry) French Zone: West Central (coal mines and steel mills)
Soviet Zone: area east of the Elbe, contained large food producing areas and Saxony, an important industrial area.
The Cold War Begins… The Soviets and the West (Americans, French, British) cannot agree.
Government Soviets want Europe to be Communist. American want Europe to be Democratic. The Germans: most were strongly anti-communist
The divide becomes deeper To aid in the rebuilding of Germany, the British and Americans joined forces in : The French joined them This became West Germany
And deeper… Allied Control Council met March, 1948 Soviets walked out Result: Berlin Blockade
Berlin Blockade West Berlin (allied) is isolated from West Germany. Soviets prevents all supplies from entering the cities, people held hostage.
Allies respond w/airlift June 1948 city is blockaded 2.1 million people w/o supplies. 277,000 flights brought 2.3 million tons of food and supplies.
Berlin Airlift - The Story Of A Great Achievement The Berlin Blockade
Stalin’s plan: To get the Allies out of W. Berlin Lasted 11 months (May, 1949)
Result: Increased fear of USSR and communism in the West.
March, 1946 Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain Speech”