Germany Invades Poland (September 1, 1939) Britain and France declare war on Germany (September 3, 1939) Canada declares war on Germany (September 10, 1939) Germany invades Denmark and Norway (April, 1940) Germany invades Netherlands, Belgium, and France (May, 1940) Evacuation of Dunkirk (May 26 – June 4, 1940) National Resource Mobilization Act allows conscription of Canadians for home defence (June, 1940) France surrenders to Hitler (June 22, 1940) Germany air force begins bombing Britain (The battle of Britain) (July, 1940) Battle of Atlantic is fought ( ) Germany invades USSR (June 22, 1941) Japan bombs Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941) United States declares war on Japan (December 8, 1941) Canadian soldiers defeated in Japans’ invasion of Hong Kong (December 25, 1941) Japanese-Canadians sent to internment camps (February, 1942) Canadian vote in plebiscite to support conscription (April, 1942) Raid on French port of Dieppe by Canadian and other allied forces (August 19, 1942) Allies bomb German cities ( ) Canadians troops participate in invasion of Sicily and mainland Italy (July, 1943) Canadians win battle of Ortona, Italy (December 28, 1943) D-Day; Canadian troops join British and Americans in allied invasion of Normandy in northern France (June 6, 1944) Canadian troops help liberate the Netherlands from German control (Spring, 1945) Germany surrenders (May 7, 1945) United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) United states drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki (August 9, 1945) Japan surrenders (August 15, 1945)
September 1, 1939
September 3, 1939
September 10, 1939
April, 1940
May, 1940
May 26 – June 4, 1940
June, 1940
June 22, 1940
July, 1940
June 22, 1941 Fight German animals! We can and must destroy Hitler's army.
December 7, 1941
December 8, 1941
December 25, 1941
February, 1942
April, 1942
August 19, 1942
July, 1943
December 28, 1943
June 6, 1944
Spring, 1945
May 7, 1945
August 6, 1945
August 9, 1945
August 15, 1945