November 12, 2010 Why were Americans worried about the security of the U.S.? The Hollywood Ten Alger Hiss Ethel and Julius Rosenburg Homework: Section 4 Worksheet (NOT NOTES)
Fear of Communist Influence Height of WWII marked 100,000 American communists Caused: Loyalty Review Board House of Un-American Activities Committee
Loyalty Review Board Anti-communist Republicans blaming Truman of being soft Truman issued Federal Employee Loyalty Program (Loyalty Review Board) Investigate government workers and dismiss those disloyal Membership to “submersive” organizations were grounds for suspicion Individuals under investigation not allowed to see the evidence against them
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) – investigated communist influence both in the government and with domestics 1947 – began focusing on movie industry ‘sneaking’ communist propaganda into films
Hollywood Ten Most witnesses were friendly as they testified that they did or did not see propaganda in the scripts presented to them Ten refused: The Hollywood Ten Believed hearings were unconstitutional They were sent to prison The blacklist was instituted (condemned certain people for having Communist background)
The McCarran Act The Two Spy Cases : Alger Hiss The Rosenbergs
Alger Hiss Whittaker Chambers accused Hiss of spying for the Soviet Union produced microfilm of documents that had been typed on Hiss’s Typewriter Hiss charged with purgery and was sent to jail Nixon gained fame for pursuing such charges
Leaking Info to the Soviets September 1949 – Soviets explode an atomic bomb Americans wonder if our secrets of how to create the bomb had been leaked 1950 – Klaus Fuchs admitted giving the Soviet Union information about the U.S. bomb which probably inabled the Soviets to develop thier own early
The Rosenbergs Ethel and Julius were also implicated by Fuchs They denied the charges and pled the Fifth Amendment Claimed they were being personally persecuted for being Jewish radicals Were found guilty of espionage and sentenced to death in 1953 1997 proved that Julius was a spy but did not give bomb info to the Soviets
McCarthy Launches his « Witch Hunt » Senator Joseph McCarthy (Rep.) Ineffective legislator To win reelection in 1952, he charged that Communists were taking over the government
McCarthyism Unsupported attacks on suspected Communists in the early 1950’s No evidence Charged Democratic Party of 20 years treason (allowing communism into our country) Why was he careful in only accusing Senate members? Republicans did little to stop him. Why?
McCarthy’s Downfall 1954 – he made accusation against the U.S. Army Televised Senate investigation prompted His bullying of witnessed alienated the audiences and cost him public support
Other Anti-Communist Measures 39 States passed laws making it illegal to advocate the overthrow the government Cities and towns followed suit Laws were deemed unconstitutional (free speech) Crazy new things out of fear: Loyalty oaths Investigated everyone Fear to quote the declaration of independence