Emergency/Disaster Coordination Irma Tetzloff AoA Regional Office Liaison - Disaster Assistance Coordinator 4th State Units on Aging Nutritionists/Administrators Conference August 2006
Types of Emergencies Disaster - happen any place, any time Mother Nature -Hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, wildfires, snow/ice Manmade –terrorist, accidents, hazardous materials, explosions, civil unrest Technology – IT or utility failure Disease-epidemics, heat emergencies
In Every Emergency– first and highest priority Preservation of Human Life
Safety First 1 st thoughts – fear, how can I stay safe 2nd– how are those around me, my loved ones Third thought – what can I do to help
Problems Encountered Communications non-existent or impaired Evacuate or not – evacuate to where –Who needs help, who can handle self Transportation impaired, gas Determining best use of resources –Who can help, what’s available Hysteria/grief
Special Needs – Elderly/disabled Who are they – where are they? Databases – computer files –AAA’s, case managers, in-home workers, services providers, medical providers, churches, utility companies Where located -Live at home, congregate housing, assisted living, nursing homes
Type of Need Limited mobility – lack transportation, need physical assistance – walker/wheelchair, bed bound Cognitive impairment – Alzheimer’s Sensory impaired – vision, hearing Language barrier Isolated - rural
Special Needs Shelters Person needing assistance -- physical, mental or sensory impairments Oxygen dependent, wheelchair, frail, Alzheimer’s One caregiver should go with dependent person
Working Through Safety-first priority Resources available Who can help? Staff, Volunteers –Organize – division of labor Set priorities – stay focused on tasks –Determine which activities benefit most Improvise Credential helpers!!!
Mapping Community GIS/MAPQUEST/PRINTED MAP Special needs population -Friends, neighbors, family Gathering places – potential shelters –Senior Center, nutrition site, community center Services providers, businesses
Evacuation Advisories Only necessary items – prescription meds, assistive devices – hearing aides, glasses, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, cash Building safety – structural, gas, electrical, chemical, fires (Flashlights) Pets – shelters generally don’t take Communication devices – cell phone, battery radios, laptops, disks, two way radios Insect spray/sun screen
Self Help Examples Encourage emergency preparedness kits –Easy to grab and go, sturdy –Food, water, prescription meds – 5 to 7 days –List of contacts –family, medical –Walking shoes –Car kit –add maps, blanket, fire ext., flares, some gas
More Things Sanitation Cell phones Cash Credit cards Phone trees – keep someone informed Insurance papers, business docs
CDC Recommends Power off before leaving—electricity, gas – have checked before power on Generators cautions–carbon monoxide poisoning (500 die each yr.) Soap/water/handywipes/disinfectants Boil water (1 minute rolling boil) keep cool/bottled water
OAA Supportive Services Information and assistance Outreach Personal care, homemaker, chore Meals – including HDM Transportation/assisted trans. Legal assistance Alzheimer’s program
Texas – (example) 211 system-- special needs persons register for transportation for potential evacuation – working with transit and para-transit --registered will be picked-up automatically. 211 system-- special needs persons register for transportation for potential evacuation – working with transit and para-transit --registered will be picked-up automatically. Other concerns – evacuation routes, fuel and traffic management State Operations Center (SOC) will manage
Virginia Total ,179,159 Total OAA $24 Million + Total # of AAA’s -22 –Nearly $8 million Supportive Services –Nearly $12 million Congregate and HDM –Caregiver - $3.3 million –LTC Ombudsman/elder abuse - $437,000 –Rural population – one third
Communication Accurate Info from a trusted source Understandable –English or other/Literacy level Informative/repetitive Call Center