KAMBAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Proudly Presents Project Proposal For Arduino - Open Source Hardware Development Center
Project proposed by Dr.T.G.Palanivelu Principal M.Jothish Kumar Lecturer Mr.V.Pugazh Lecturer Mr.U.Kumaran Lecturer
Agenda Presentation10 minutes Video about Arduino 1 minute Project Demos 5 minutes
ABOUT THE INSTITUTION Kamban Engineering College was started in the year of Accredited by NBA. ISO-9000A-2008 certified students. 6 UG + 3 PG Departments.
OPEN SOURCE INITIATIVES Inauguration of KLUC (Kamban Linux User Community) by the Cyborg Association in 17 th Sep KLUC 08 “Open Source Project Exhibition on Linux”. 2.ROBOX 09 “Open Source Robotics projects-Arduino”. 3.CONVERGENCE 09 “Open Source software & Hardware project Exhibitions”. 4.CAPS “Computer Awareness and Programming Skills” for School Students.
Dr. Kannan Moudgalya Head-CDEEP, IITB delivered his speech on Convergence-09 Dr. Prabhu Ramachandran Dept. of Aerospace Engg. IITB delivered his speech on Convergence-09
OPEN SOURCE HARDWARE CENTER We plan to establish a centre focusing on Arduino ( ◦ Electronics prototyping platform ◦ Eimple and open source hardware design. A single board micro controller with embedded input, output support and a standard programming language such as C, Java, sketch, Python …
OBJECTIVES To train the students in developing the Arduino boards and guiding them in doing projects with open source software. To broadbase student interests and skills into hands-on hardware projects. Enhancing the employability of students. Making programming an exciting topic. Making the project-based learning into a enjoyable hobby (rather than chore).
Arduino is a hardware platform A physical Input / Output board with a programmable IC.
… a development platform Has an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming. The language itself is based on C, called sketch Java, Python, Ruby also available
Why Arduino? Open - both Hardware and Software Cheap- can be built from standard components – Rs. 200 only Serial, USB communication with a computer Can be powered from USB also Can design wide range of small-to- medium complexity tasks
PLAN OF ACTION Building arduino boards by students with the support of faculty. Developing better student projects. Conducting workshops to enable other colleges to do both. Offer internships to students.
POTENTIAL AUDIENCE 25 Engineering Colleges 20 Polytechnics 22 Science Colleges 50,000+ Students and faculty All in Zone 5, within 100 km radius
Annual Budget - Recurring ◦ 6 Workshops per Year. 1.Man Power : I. Workshop-students =Rs.60,000 II. Workshop-experts=Rs.1,20,000 III. Arduino production wages(10 members x 40 boards) =Rs.40,000 IV. Project Manager =Rs.2,00,000 … Sub-Total=Rs.4,20,000 2.Workshop Travelling, Food & Accommodation allowances: I. Workshop-students=Rs. 50,000 II. Workshop-Experts=Rs.50,000 … Sub-Total=Rs.1,00,000 3.Consumable Requirements : Student Material(Arduino Kit) =Rs.2,60,000 Arduino Production Materials =Rs.20,000 … Sub-Total=Rs.2,80,000 Annual Total = Rs. 8 Lakhs
Overall Budget Non-Recurring Expenses: I. Computers-10Nos II. Laptops -2Nos III.UPS-1Nos(2KVA) IV. Networking V. Electric charges VI. System maintenance Sub-Total= Rs.5 Lakhs Recurring: Year ::Rs. 8 Lakhs Year ::Rs. 8 Lakhs … Sub Total=Rs.16 Lakhs TOTAL AMOUNT: Rs. 21 Lakhs
Yearly Targets 250+ faculty and students are to be trained. 6 Workshops. One advanced workshop. Open source exhibition for creating awareness.
Demos Random robot Water Level Kit. Will be shown at a convenient time
Video presentation Kamban Project.mpg
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