Assessing Learning for Classroom Success Friday, February 16, :00-3:00
Today’s Objectives Discuss the importance of matching program or department student learning outcomes with anticipated course outcomes; to obtain some practice in so doing Understand some specific benefits of assessing student learning throughout the course of a semester (formative assessment) Learn about different formative assessment techniques, and their different uses and applications Discuss and learn from one another about how various formative assessment techniques can be used to enhance student learning as well as department or program-level outcomes
Why Match Program Objectives with Course Objectives? Accreditation/audit purposes Connects your own purposes with those of your program or department Helps you avoid cognitive dissonance and gain coherence Saves time Empowers you and your students
Example of Process at Department Level
Process Is Same When Designing a Course Identify program objective(s) Match with your course objective(s) Determine how you might target course content to achieve course objectives so that program objectives are met
Exercise Please take the department or program objectives you have brought to the workshop, and match the program with your course objectives. Also, complete the column, “summative assessments” and indicate how those summative assessments help you to monitor student learning. Please be prepared to reflect on the following questions: –Why is this process often identified as one of the most difficult processes? Do you agree that this should be the first step in organizing a course? Why or why not? –What are some ways this process can make it easier to organize syllabi and/or lesson plans?
How Do I Know Students Are Mastering Course Objectives During the Course?
Why Classroom Assessment? Provides opportunities for responding to student learning obstacles or concerns More information, saves time (in the long run) Enhances student learning Enables instructional stability Stresses student accountability for learning For us (instructors), defines what is important to our teaching Leads to great reflections; statements of teaching effectiveness (annual faculty reports, portfolios, etc.)
Seven Basic Assumptions of Classroom Assessment The quality of student learning is directly, although not exclusively, related to the quality of teaching. Therefore, one of the most promising ways to improve learning is to improve teaching; To improve their effectiveness, teachers need first to make their goals and objectives explicit and then to get specific; comprehensible feedback on the extent to which they are achieving those goals and objectives; To improve their learning, students need to receive appropriate and focused feedback early and often; they also need to learn how to assess their own learning; The type of assessment most likely to improve teaching and learning is that conducted by faculty to answer questions they themselves have formulated in response to issues or problems in their own teaching; Systematic inquiry and intellectual challenge are powerful sources of motivation, growth, and renewal for college teachers, and classroom assessment can provide such challenge; Classroom assessment does not require specialized training; it can be carried out by dedicated teachers from all disciplines; By collaborating with colleagues and actively involving students in classroom assessment efforts, faculty (and students) enhance learning and personal satisfaction Source: Angelo & Cross
Classroom Assessment is a Three- Step Process Planning Implementing Responding Source: Angelo & Cross, pp
Five Suggestions for a Successful Start –If a classroom assessment technique does not appeal to your intuition and professional judgment as a teacher, don’t use it; –Don’t make classroom assessment into a self- inflicted chore or burden; –Don’t ask your students to use any classroom assessment technique you haven’t previously tried on yourself; –Allow for more time than you think you will need to carry out and respond to the assessment; –Make sure to “close the loop.” Let students know what you learn from their feedback and how you and they can use information to improve learning Angelo & Cross, pp
Today’s Learning Activity Each group will receive an initial packet of materials, in which each will be asked to perform the following tasks: –Read the instructions on the second page of each packet –Individually read through each example of CATs used in each individual category; –Individually, note some ways you might use some of these in courses you currently teach, or might teach in the future; –As a group, discuss the strengths and weaknesses associated with some (or all) of the techniques you made note of; –Designate a note taker, who will write down strengths and weaknesses you make note of. –For future groups, if a strength or weakness is already noted, try hard to think of any others –When completed, wait for the facilitator to ask that you pass the next group of notes on.
Discussion Overall, what are the advantages of using classroom assessment techniques in our teaching? Overall, what are some drawbacks? A challenge: Using CATs pre and post…
Conclusion Matching program and course objectives is important in order to gain coherence and avoid misunderstandings Using CATs can produce learning experiences for both student and instructor We are available to assist in any way!
The End