2/18/2008ITK 1681 Feb. 20, Wed. 8:00 – 9:30 pm STV Closed book, notes, and no computer is allowed. 2.Everyone is allowed to bring a self- prepared hand-writing crib to the test. You can write down anything on both sides of one piece of letter-sized paper. You can’t share the crib during the test. Test I, 100 points
2/18/2008ITK 1682 Check List for Midterm #1 No. 1 1.What is class in Java? 2.What is object in Java? 3.What is IDE? 4.What is a “project” in Eclipse. 5.What are packages? 6.How to tell Java compiler which package(s) is (are) needed for a java program? 7.What is the file with “jar” extension? 8.How to tell Eclipse where to find a jar file for a project?
2/18/2008ITK 1683 Check List for Midterm #1 No. 2 1.What is syntax of a programming language like Java? 2.What is class diagram? What does a class diagram have? What are they? 3.What is inheritance? 4.How to do inheritance in Java? I.e., what is Java’s syntax of doing it? 5.What is a constructor of a class? 6.What is instantiation? How to do it? 7.What does a pair of { } do in Java? 8.What are comments, their purposes, syntax? 9.What does a good “programming style” need to consider? Why? 10.What does “;” (the semicolon) do in Java
2/18/2008ITK 1684 Check List for Midterm #1 No. 3 1.What is the attribute of an object. 2.What is the service (method) of an object. 3.How to use the “services” (methods) of an object? 4.What does that mean by “pass values” to a method? 5.What does that mean by “receive a value” from a method? 6.What are reserved words (key words). 7.What are the meanings of the follow java reserved words: int, new, void, super, this, return. 8.What is the difference between classes with and without the main method?
2/18/2008ITK 1685 Check List for Midterm #1 No. 4 1.What is “stepwise refinement”? When does the refining procedure stop? 2.What is pseudo code? 3.What is overriding a method? 4.What are Boolean expressions, ( “!”, true, false )? 5.Syntaxes of if, if-else, and while statements. Basic programming skill:
2/18/2008ITK 1686 Check List for Midterm #1 No. 5 1.Create a City 2.Create a Thing (in a City) 3.Create a Wall (in a City) 4.Create a robot (in a City) 5.Create more than one robot and make them run at the same time (thread) 6.Use every method of Robot used in the text of chapters 1 to 4. 7.Extend one version of Robot to another one. 8.Extend City (the new one’s constructor may take arguments) Know how to use Robot packages, including: More programming skills:
2/18/2008ITK 1687 Check List for Midterm #1 No. 6 Understand the sample robot we discussed in the class and make sure you can created a similar one; in particular, PositionRobot and HistogramRobot. Create new methods to do some little trick or chore like those in the labs Given a class you never saw and used before, how to read its document and use its methods to do a required task? Know how to use Robot class, including: More programming skills: