Makamisa Ang Paghahanap Sa Ikatlong Nobela ni Jose Rizal
Ambeth Ocampo Teaches at Ateneo de Manila and the University of the Philippines (Diliman). His research interests cover 19th century Philippines, Philippine Revolution, Philippine art, food, and culture. Writes an editorial column on history for the Philippine Daily Inquirer Served as Chairman of the National Commission of Culture, and is presently Chairman of the National Historical Institute
Ambeth Ocampo’s Message Feels that it is unfortunate that we are reading Rizal’s novels in the classroom rather in an easy chair or a hammock on a beach. Students have been accostmed to studying Rizal as a boring chore. Students return to their high school textbooks, or to chapter summaries from the internet or comic book versions.
Ocampo’s Message cont. Rizal’s life has been shortened into four “items”; his execution, his poem “Mi Ultimo Adios”, Noli Me Tangere, and El Filibusterismo
?? Confusion? Makamisa was thought to be a draft of Noli. “Tagalog Nobility,” 1957 was the “third novel”. “No se puede por que el manuscrito es un borrador. Un borrador del Noli me tangere, nada mas!” – Leoncio Lopez Rizal ??
Jose Rizal National Centennial Commission “… appears to be an incomplete novel in Tagalog, written in ironic style. The title suggests that it is a chapter trather than a novel as Ponce believed. Only two chapters were written…. …Another manuscript in Spanish exists with the same ideas and the same characters but with different names described in Makamisa.”
The Quest: What/Where is the Novel? Sampaloc, Manila Streets named after characters in Noli and El Fili MAKAMISA – one of the half-dozen or so unfinished novels of Rizal Chosen as street name as it was a novel-in-progress written in TAGALOG.
The Quest: Continued Ambeth Ocampo researching in the National Library in 1987. Manuscript of 171 leaves, comprising of 245 pages. Written in Tagalog unlike his other novels which were in Spanish.
Makamisa, the beginnigs. Began writing it in Hong Kong in 1892 Split his time between writing his third novel and editing Paciano’s Tagalog translation of the Noli. Conceived his novel to be in Tagalog. “Makamisa” not the name of the novel, but the name of the first chapter.
Rizal to Blumentritt “At last I can breathe freely and gladly. I anxiously awaited your verdict. This has arrived and though I should think there is much deference in it, I can look forward to the future…. I am thinking of writing a third novel, a novel in the modern sense of the word. But this time politics will not occupy much space in it. Ethics will play the principal role. It will deal only with the mores and customs of the Filipinos…”
About Makamisa Makamisa was humorous. “One can actually imagine Rizal laughing as one reads Makamisa, because it remains one of the funniest manuscripts Rizal left us” From Rizal’s description alone, it is clear that Makamisa is the third novel and not “Tagalog Nobility”.
Rizal to Blumentritt, Part 2 “While I rest from my professional work, I write the third part of my book in Tagalog. It deals only with Tagalog customs, exclusively of the usages, virtues and defects of the Tagalogs. I am sorry I cannot write it in Spanish, for I have found a very beautiful theme. I want to write a novel in the modern sense of the term – an artistic and literary novel. This time I want to sacrifice politics and everything for art. If I write it in Spanish, then the poor Tagalogs to whom the work is dedicated will not get to know it, though they be the ones who need it most… and moreover I lack practice in writing Tagalog…”
About Makamisa, cont. Returned to the sharp, ironic style that was evident in Noli rather than darker tone set in El Fili. Rizal considers Noli to be superior to El Fili. “Blumentritt, all the others in Paris and Barcelona, say the Fili is superior simply because they are being kind to me” -reply to Del Pilar Later written in Spanish as Rizal could not continue in Tagalog for it was too “time consuming”
Rizal to Blumentritt, Part 3 Rationalizing the suddent shift from Tagalog to Spanish, Rizal wrote on 20 April, 1892 (4/20) “The translation of the Noli continues, but I have already given up the idea of writing the third part in Tagalog, for it would not be appropriate to write a work in two languages as they would be like the sermons of the friars. So I am writing it now in Spanish.” This letter alone proves, that Makamisa was indeed Rizal’s intended third novel.
Makamisa, the characters Spanish parish priest Padre Agaton Aleng Anday (Protagonist) Marcela, the beautiful daughter of… Captain Lucas Capitan Tibo, political rival Teniente Mayor Tato Juez de Paz Don Segundo
Makamisa, the story. 20-page manuscript, rough draft in Tagalog Set in the late 19th century Philippines in a small town, Tulig. The date is on the Sunday before Palm Sunday.
Makamisa, the story. Part II Story begins after Pade Agaton’s Mass Priest hurried through the ritual, which he usually performs with flourish and resish The women try to explain his irritable manner Capitan Lucas drops eaves, and worries that the curate might not endorse him in the coming elections. Story is written in a biting satrical style Story develops around the actions of Padre Agaton.
Conclusion Debate whether on Makamisa was the third novel Rizal wanted to write it in Tagalog however found it too difficult Main themes were ethics and culture of Filipinos Suppose to be his most “anti- clerical” manuscript Unfinished work, only first chapter done Clearly dedicated it to the Filipino people as he wanted to finish it in Tagalog
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