If you've ever been in a situation in which you've almost completed an important project, only to have your computer spontaneously crash seconds before hitting the "save" button, you understand how frustrating losing your data can be.
Windows XP is a very good backup for your computer. It is easy to buy or download and comes with a step by step guide on how you can keep your computer running smoothly.
Backing up your website is an important chore that should do on a regular basis. If you get hacked, or the data centre where you’re hosted goes down hard (very rare, but it does happen), you will be very, very glad you took the time. Each WordPress installation requires two types of backups: database and file system. The database backup is easily handled using a WordPress plugin designed expressly for backup purposes. Backing up the file system takes a little more effort, and requires a little more computer savvy. But not much more.
Press ‘Save as’...
Press the button that says ‘N drive’, or the place where you save all your documents...
Click on your ‘ICT’ folder…
Click on the ‘Topic A’ folder...
Go onto the Internet...